

Responses from theo

Adcom GFA-555 fuse stuck
Sounds like you are on your way to a solution. If you can't find the fuse holder at RS you might check eletronics stores but I am afraid they will all be closed today(saturday). If not look at partsexpress.com I am sure they will have it and also ... 
Blue ray player with good audio
What is your budget? There are many new models out that are Universal Blu-Ray if you also want SACD or DVD-A. Denon, Marantz, McIntosh, Theta, etc. I had looked at tha as an option when I decided to take blu-ray plunge. I ended up going a differen... 
Who makes a good CD recorder?
Actually there aren't many made anymore. Due to, I would say mainley, to what Mlsstl points out. However if you prefer a stand alone CD recorder as I do. The last one I bought was a dual well Denon that is no longer made but if you Google it there... 
Adcom GFA-555 fuse stuck
If anything take the fuse holder completely out of once you remove the cover and can access it. Go to a local electronics store e.g.Radio Shack, etc and buy a replacement fuse holder. That is a very standard fuse holder. It is most likely using a ... 
My ears of tin are over 50
I think if you can hear , you can hear. There is no text book guideline. I have a dealer freind that has a customer with hearing aids. I mentioned that the hearing aid would limit the bandwidth and the dealer told me he felt the same way. But the ... 
Very slight "Hiss"
It is most likely coming from the pre-amp, since it changes with input selection. Some components are quieter than others. I have experienced it through the years with differnt components. Nothing I tried helped. e.g. ground changes, cable routing... 
Fleetwood Mac
Tango in the Night is my fav of the new band, but from tyhe Peter Green days Future Games. 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
My understand from what I have been told it equal. 
Mcintosh mx 136. a good deal?
I would say you should be able to recoup most of your investment. I see them here on AG all the time and they seem to sell at pretty good rate. As a Mc lover I like to watch how long each peice lsits for before it is marked sold. The MX136, MX135 ... 
Mcintosh mx 136. a good deal?
I just traded an MX135 in on a Anthem Statement D2v. I really hated to part with the MX135 as it was one of many McIntosh pre/pros I have owned through the years. My motive was to acquire the BluRay codecs. It was either to spend 4-8K on a higher ... 
right-angle plug on power cord
I have had a Cardas PC made with a right angle plug from Cardas. I am sure many PC companies would be willing to do that for you. Cash is king! 
Multi channel preamps for Movies
What is your budget? 
Which purchase tipped you into nirvana.
My first set of headphones while i was still living with my parents. Fiannly a great soundstage imaging and a volume level I wanted! 
3D Bluray players and Tvs
Agree with Rwwear. I think this is a gimmick that will appeal to some and it will fade. I recently bought a BluRay player for the first time and the salesman told me that buying a 3D model would future proof me. I don't need a 3D display, where I ... 
Quick poll How long have you been in this hobby?
Aye now I started dis years ago when I was a weeee laddy.And one would tink I would have me grip on it by now wouldn'cha.