

Responses from theo

Linn Aquito arm servicing or replacing?
I would contact a Linn dealer in your area. It sounds like a bearing issue and probably is not repairable. But ask a dealer he will know based on the direction of the resistance. With the new EKOS SE arm out there maybe the dealer will have some t... 
PC recommendation for McIntosh 501's
My first response would be Nordost to try and maintain or create a synergy with the rest of your system. The best that you can afford with in the Nordost line. I have aMC402 and use Cardas Golden Reference and am very happy but the rst of my syste... 
I think I've made up my mind
Madfloyd just curious what tubed pre-amp do you prefer in the price range of the REF3? I have LS26 and would like to upgrade to the REF3, but am open to suggestion. 
TT to another room, no vibs, better sounds?
Not an expert by any means here, but my first concern is cable length, emi/rfi exposure with longer cables and signal degradation. I would say stay on the track you are on and add a stand that contributes to dampening. Again just a novice speaking... 
2 channel vs 5.1
Sounds like you DO have pass thru then you are good to go.Sorry I didn't look at the manula just the rear panel. Enjoy. 
MC205 new need break-in time?
I find McIntosh amps seem to come around in 100 hours. I have the MC205 as well nice amp. 
2 channel vs 5.1
The Luxman doesn't have a processor pass thru that I can see. Does the Oppo have a 2 channel out put seperate from the 6 channel? And if I understand your system you want to use the same front two speakers for both HT and 2 Channel right? If yes w... 
tube preamp for mcintosh solid state amp
I am driving my 402 with an Audio Research LS26 and would like to upgrade to a REF3 or maybe consider the McIntosh C500t but I am currently enjoying the economy too much! So LS26 it is, and very happy with it. 
Do any amps have 6 ohm taps for 6 ohm impedance?
Actually McIntosh SS amps with Autoformers have 2, 4 or 8 ohm taps. 
To Dolby True HD or not to Dolby True HD
Big difference! 
Best System for Pink Floyd
As a long time fan of the "Floydsters" I have listened to them on many systems and always enjoyed it. Before I delve in to the dream system you suggest I would own for FLoyd music only, I must add the Maoman is right on que with the refernce to Po... 
anyone have experience with Anthem arc?
I recently bougt the D2v and once I ran the ARC it was absolutely a vast inprovement. I would suggest it to anyone. 
Mcintosh MC275 versus MC501 ?
I would say you would gain tighter bass with solid state Mc Amps in my experience. As far as detail I would think the solid state may be more analytical. MHO of course. 
My ears of tin are over 50
I am starting to think about Mapmans comments on Viagra stimulating blood flow and enhancing nerve endings. Does that mean if we find ourselves enjoying music for more than 4 hours we have to go to the emergency room? 
To twist or not to twist
I think running them in a Shotgun postion vs. twisting themwould be better negligable at best. Un-sheilded cables will emit "if any" rf/emi at a level that would be extremely low and probably propose no efect. If it were me I would twist them for ...