
Responses from terry9

Audio Rack Selection
Just constrained layer damping, nonoise. That, and an irregular shape.Some few materials have constrained layer damping built in, like Panzerholz, or, to a lesser extent, slate, or Baltic birch plywood. The trick is to put two materials with diffe... 
Audio Rack Selection
One of the best racks I've ever had was a tall, thin rack with a 70kg turntable on top. The trick was simple: the rack was extremely rigid with plywood skirts (glued and screwed) on three sides, and fixed to the wall studs with 4" long #12 screws.... 
'Diamond' cantilevers: a man's best friend?
Clear, a copper pivot screw is a mod to the particular tonearm that we both use. 
confused and don't know what to do
And don’t spend big bucks on cables first time out. Get the cheapest you can find, then swap them out for better ones, one at a time, until you find something that is worth the cost. I use quality microphone cable (Canare StarQuad) with quality co... 
confused and don't know what to do
I agree that you have a challenging room. Bookcases full of books, CD's, records, and 'things' will soften that a lot. Persian carpets are cheap these days, and some are very beautiful. That too can soften the sound, and they can look elegant on a... 
'Diamond' cantilevers: a man's best friend?
@howardalex , you say that the Jade makes everything sound like the Jade. That is the opposite of my experience with the KRSP/dc - the KRSP/dc makes massed violins violinny, solo voice voicey, organ organic, but in a supernatural way.But this is a... 
Strange film on new records.
Leaving it 20 minutes - better make that 40C or 105F at 80KHz. Be sure to cool the record uniformly by spinning it in the rinse. And try one record first! If you only have 40KHz, maybe even cooler ... 
Strange film on new records.
Pol, if you are getting progress, that’s a good sign. Make sure that your chemistry is hot enough - about 45 degrees C ~ 115 degrees F.I use 1:40 (distilled water to VersaClean) for most records, 1:20 for the worst. Why not try 1:20 and see what h... 
'Diamond' cantilevers: a man's best friend?
@halcro @howardalex This morning had some photomicrographs taken of my KRSP with dc. Minimal wear after 980 hours (maybe lack of wear is due to US cleaning). Also appears that stylus is affixed to cantilever, but the photo is inconclusive. Certain... 
Strange film on new records.
I bow to your superior knowledge, @benjie . 
Strange film on new records.
I haven’t had this problem, but I would try to solve it with a lab grade detergent suitable for plastics.Lab grade because lab stuff has to work to spec, and there is hell to pay if it doesn’t. The Big Boys rely on those specs, and they have corpo... 
Frustrated with Vinly
As Roberjerman says, new vinyl is hit and miss. If you want flawless, you have to either get lucky with used, or spend big on MoFi. And ultra-sonic cleaning is worth the trouble, both in terms of noise and in terms of clarity. 
Does Digital Try Too Hard?
Perhaps I should have said "abstract" instead of "arbitrary". Does that make it clear? 
Does Digital Try Too Hard?
I'm talking about the graph of an arbitrary waveform, not any specific wave form. At the point where he says something like, "There are no steps" and refers to "lollypops". The general case. 
Does Digital Try Too Hard?
I gave my conclusions and my reasons for all to see and criticize. That's the way of math and science. I suggest that you re-read my post and then decide who it is that is "Just announcing".