
Responses from terry9

A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
@grgaudio About stylus life, have you tried ultrasonic record cleaning followed by heroical rinsing? I have done this, and my Koetsu shows very minimal wear at just under 1000 hours (photomicrograph). Can't imagine that it's going to be playing ba... 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
@drbarney1 Can’t say that I agree with very much of what you wrote.1. Trans-Fi Terminator is a low pressure system which is virtually maintenance free. Air noise is undetectable in the listening position. It costs $1500. 2. My calculation says tha... 
No "Room Correction" Topic option. Why?
Good question about matching elastomeric to drywall, Tomic. Another reason to choose something engineered over something contrapted. I use elastomeric to join things that can’t be bought as an engineered unit - like drywall to stud. 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
Just one caveat, pindac. There are some proprietary elements which are not available to anyone but the manufacturer, e.g. platinum magnets used in higher end Koetsu's. No way, I would think, to duplicate that, and several approximate substitutions... 
Analog or Digital and why?
Agreed Bigkidz. Every resistive element, every dielectric, every active device has its own sonic signature. There is nothing like the sound of first class parts, whatever Carver thinks he proved way back when. But they do cost, don't they? I mean ... 
Trans-Fi Terminator Tonearm: 2019 Update
Mostly filled, but neither packed nor compressed, to within a few inches of the outlet. The direct line between inlet and outlet apertures must be interrupted by cotton balls. 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
This is getting tiresome, Raul. Why not give it a rest? 
Trans-Fi Terminator Tonearm: 2019 Update
Here's another thought. Have you tried loosely filling the tank with cotton balls, or some such, to break up any sound waves from the pump? 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
RE the Koetsu, that thread is, "Who needs a diamond cantilever". 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
Audioquest, there is a thread on higher end Koetsu's, and the consensus seemed to be that the Diamond Cantilever option was worth the money. To some. I agree, I have one. 
Trans-Fi Terminator Tonearm: 2019 Update
Ten litre tank? Don't see how it could hurt. Why don't you try it and let us know?Glad it's working for you - and yes, measure with the pump on. What happens is that the inboard end of the wand lifts, which lowers the cartridge end and puts more w... 
No "Room Correction" Topic option. Why?
@yyzsantabarbara I note that your article references the Salford simulations. Nice to have company! 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
Please consider ultra-sonic record cleaning before you buy something really big. Not only does it improve the quality of the sound, but it improves the longevity of the cartridge. 
A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions
I think cactus spine is a wonderful idea. It's a tapered tube (or is it a rod?) and so is inherently anti-resonant. It's been shaped for rigidity and strength by evolution. And it's recommended by Schroeder and Lederman, who has done extensive tes... 
BUY Bryston!!!!!
Well Oz, I like Bryston equipment, and it sounds good to me. Not as good as Atmasphere OTL, not as good as cost-no-object DIY, but always pleasant and perfectly reliable. Unparalleled customer service if you ever need it.A Mercedes, not a Ferrari....