
Responses from terry9

Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
Don't recall if this topic has come up, but have you considered ultra-sonic record cleaning? Big benefits right away - quieter, more revealing - and big benefits delayed - low stylus wear. My own stylus costs a lot to replace, so the US cleaning ... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
@rauliruegas  To repeat, "I don't think that you do know what his (OP) ears hear and what his system sounds like." Could have added, "with his kind of music." And no, I'm not going to help you derail this discussion.  
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
I own one of those new designs. It's just not as good - in my system, on my turntable, with my tonearm, and with my arm wands - to my ears. Matching cartridge to system is more than just considering effective mass of the tonearm. Setting up is mo... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
Congratulations on your purchase! Sounds like you hit audio Nirvana. Enjoy! And don't pay too much attention to people who know which cartridge sounds best to you in your own system. Many of the most sophisticated audiophiles use Koetsu, especial... 
Current Questions
@daledeee1 "Why do all or most electrical items use the letter "A" example: 1.2A" A for amps. Amp for Ampere.    
Magnepan LRS Support Group?!
I've owned Magnepans off and on since 1973, when I had to wait 3 months for a pair of Tympani 1a's, Stereophile's first Class A speaker. Currently I'm running a pair of SMGa's in my HT, and decided to add something modern, two DWM's and four MMG-... 
Cassette decks. How good can it get?
@officerat So I understand. I looked for some time before I bought a big stash of good tapes, and that was many years ago. EDIT: Depends on how deep your pockets are. Just looked on Ebay, and it seems you can get used ones for about $40, new for ... 
Cassette decks. How good can it get?
I have two Nakamichi CR-7’s, one gear and one belt. Belt is better. But with my current vinyl setup, there is virtually no wear, and little reason to tape. CR-7 is a 3 head machine with an auto setup feature, which is very convenient. Also an azi... 
Current Questions
To my knowledge, current capacity is rarely discussed. Twenty years ago someone used to talk about the number of joules (energy) stored in the capacitors of their amps, but I haven't seen that for a while. Speaking of twenty, that's Bryston's gua... 
Current Questions
And yes, it is important. Otherwise amp could go "poof" when a few undersized power transistors are asked to handle too much power. First the amp would just sound nasty - that's a warning. Power is defined by current x voltage, that is, IV.  
Current Questions
To determine if an amp is "high current" - ask the salesman to take off the cover. Look for: - one or two metal boxes or toroids (transformers) - bigger is better; - several cans (capacitors) - again, bigger is better; - a dozen or so 1" square... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Well said, @lewm .  
Cartridge upgrade????
Be aware of longevity. I suggest that you consider $/hour before a retip. Another thing to consider is how to keep your stylus from wearing out. My ultrasonic cleaning system was getting on for 3K, but since my cartridge costs twice that to rebui... 
Putting together turntable rig
That's the best possible outcome. Congratulations .  
Madman! Digital vs Vinyl
If you prefer what analogue does, then it definitely is worth it.