
Responses from terry9

Best Ways to Organize a Classical Record LP Collection ?
Nice problem to have, CT.I have two special sections for 45RPM, audiophile / favouriteĀ recordings, 100 or so that I don't want to lose track of, everything else is roughly chronological, with blocks for baroque trumpet, etc. 
Performer-in-Room Quality with Speakers?
OGO, a few years too late - I sold mine, bought 2905's. These have more high end, more low end, more clarity, but no more musicality, even after modification.Another great thing about ESL57's - they stack brilliantly. Walker also oriented them at ... 
Dedicated Line(s), One Line or Two?
My pleasure, Whitecap. Good luck with it all. 
Dedicated Line(s), One Line or Two?
Should add, that for a motor controller (as in a turntable), it is a good idea to synthesize the waveform with a special circuit. But that is a very special application, and low power, and relatively low cost. 
Dedicated Line(s), One Line or Two?
My opinions again.When selecting a device to filter your power, make sure that the output is better than the input from the wall. Not all consumer grade devices do that - or so I am told. Thing is, do they fix the problem you have? A computer unin... 
Dedicated Line(s), One Line or Two?
Thank you, Whart.I use naked transformers in an garden variety electric utility box. But it really depends on the local electric code, and the expertise of the inspectors, because some inspectors get bent out of shape unless its a finished, boxed ... 
Dedicated Line(s), One Line or Two?
I take it you are still renovating. Is the breaker box in a utility room rather than in a living area? Because if it's in a utility room, you can use an isolation transformer between the box and your dedicated line, and use another circuit for the... 
OK...I've ditched my mono cartridge
I have a Zero and a higher end Koetsu. Also, an arm that allows a moderately easy change.The Zero is fine, but it lacks the ultimate refinement of the Koetsu, on EX mono records from the 60's. 
$16K new/used speaker question?
Second the new Quads. I have been using 2905's for 10 years now, with no issues - just happy ears. 
Best Of Breed or Matching Components?
This from the perspective of a DIYer.Every resistor, every capacitor matters. Not to mention every single tube, transistor, op-amp, and transformer, as well as the topology. Just this month, I had to scramble because a simple resonance tweak chang... 
What is best turntable for listening to Rock from the sixties like Led Zeppelin?
Inna is right. Nottingham Analogue may be a bit obscure, but it is considerably underpriced, whatever your budget. I have been a happy customer for 18 years. 
Suggest affordable cable options
Wire is most definitely not wire. But it is not a function of budget, either, as Czar points out.The physics comes directly from Maxwell's Equations: high inductance attenuates high frequency as a linear function of length, for currents in the lou... 
Bryston vs Modwright?
I was offered a Bryston 3BSST demo and took it home. It sounded good, so I talked to some guy at the factory, quizzed him for an hour, and it turned out he was the president! I bought the demo and ordered a 4BSST as well, to biamp a magnepan syste... 
Do I really need Desoldering for replacing resistors/caps?
Eddy, in my home town the local high end store also does car audio. Their installer is superb - Mercedes quality or higher (and I own Mercedes). I suggest that you visit a few car audio stores, and when you find the best, go into the shop and meet... 
Do I really need Desoldering for replacing resistors/caps?
Sorry, meant to say, "But it is a skill, and good REWORK equipment makes it a lot easier."