
Responses from terry9

Ancient AR Turntable with NO anti skate
@normansizemore "puny little motor"Not to take anything away from masterpieces like EMT, but I differ. Maybe it’s my lack of masculinity, but I like puny little motors that I can boss around. I use motors that can’t even bring my platters up to sp... 
Ancient AR Turntable with NO anti skate
@asvjerry "I'd go to an air-bearing arm in a heartbeat, but I don't have the disposable $ to go there."Well, I just may have the bridge for you. Kidding. I use a Trans-Fi air bearing tonearm, cost about $1000. Actually, I use two: one for my Notti... 
Please assure me I'm not going to burn my house down.
To address your point about 24 x 0.6 ~ 15 (amps), and braiding together,  the current carrying capacity of multiples depends on their exact physical relationship. That is, if insulated wires are close together, they will not be able to radiate hea... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
Correction: tonearm is not DIY, it is Trans-Fi air bearing. Also, I say analogue, no contest. 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
Sevs, Elmasonic record cleaner, 6 Quads, Koetsu, Linn for digital. Everything else DIY. Classical. 
Please assure me I'm not going to burn my house down.
I would be most concerned about termination. It is easy to braid wire together - and it's easy for wire to become unbraided at the termination. If the wire does unravel, then you may find one or two conductors carrying all the current. Then things... 
Why does bi-amping speakers sound better?
I have used an active bi-amp topology for both Magnepans and Martin-Logans: preamp - electronic crossover - amplifiers. Sounded vastly better than stock, mostly because an electronic crossover only has to shape a tiny signal, and so very high qual... 
learning what a huge difference cartridge loading makes!
Since you are into modding, I would suggest that when you have determined the loading you like, change the loading resistors to Vishay VAR. Give it an hour for your ears to adjust to everything you are hearing (and not hearing!), and enjoy, enjoy.... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
Well, Dan, it seems that our minds think along similar lines. I composed my post before seeing yours. The similarities are striking, even down to the Koetsu! 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
First realized the superiority of vinyl in the early days, when I bought a CD of a favourite recording (Joan Sutherland, Lakme). Then I asked for in-home demos of digital and analogue at the same (high) price point. It was no contest then, and it ... 
How often is your system "good"?
After I've changed something it always sounds better. Then, mysteriously, it declines and declines and declines.I'm constantly recovering from the last "improvement". But, over time, the system actually does get better, each high point being a lit... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
I should add, the Quad 2905's come properly compensated for solid state right out of the box. The 2805's less so. Re-working compensation for the 2905's is only necessary if you mess with the electronics. 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
It's a bit tricky alright. Of course, you could put an air core inductor between the amp and the speaker to compensate, but that's tricky because it risks electronic resonances. Actually, it's quite unwise to attempt this unless you've made your o... 
amperex 6922 pq white label tubes
But the HP TF 6922's are rare. So rare that one knowledgable dealer told me that they had never been made, which made me smile, considering I was looking at a sleeve of them with both HP and TF seals. 
amperex 6922 pq white label tubes
Consider the tubes which were specially selected for HP test equipment back in the 60's. They typically have the HP logo and a dab of paint on the crown.Back then, HP was THE technology company. They made the instruments that put men on the moon. ...