
Responses from terry9

B&W 805 D4: which 5 channel power amp should I go with (home theater): Parasound or Rotel
Are you open to used equipment? Because the Bryston 9B SST is what I use with a Magnepan system - just a little to the warm side, 20 year warrantee. Yes, 20 years - I've abused Bryston amps with never a failure. SST series is quite a bit cleaner ... 
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
Purpose built 2 channel room.  
Need a big favor picking a preamp
Just tried a sapphire wand for my tonearm - very precise and very addictive - for about 5 hours. I have reverted to a warmer sounding wand, and it looks like the keeper. It's warm and smooth for me, but YMMV.  
Step Up Transformer Question
Surprised me too - but it turned out to be quite accurate, in that the Epoch is smoother, more refined. That's the KRSP with diamond cantilever option, which may alter things. I expected the wand material to make a more subtle difference, too - a... 
Step Up Transformer Question
@mulveling Your tastes are pretty refined - obviously - so I would keep that in mind when deciding on a model. Mr. Grado might be able to help you with this decision.  
Step Up Transformer Question
@mulveling I was wondering the same thing a year ago. I talked to Mr. Grado about linear tracking, he said that he hadn’t the faintest idea - but I could try a $100 cartridge and see. It didn’t sound all that good (compared to a KRSP !!) but it wo... 
Step Up Transformer Question
@mulveling Your dislike of Lundahls is interesting. I only have experience with the 1931 Ag, and it sounds pretty good when stepping up my Koetsu.. Not quite as clean or warm as my differential amplifier stage, but close. Now that I'm using a Gra... 
Capacitors for Audio Research Reference 5se
Obviously some people like V-caps. I don't. To my ears, styrene film and tin foil from Multicap, the RTX series, is far cheaper, far superior and closer to the sound that ARC is famous for. @yesiam_a_pirate has a point. YMMV  
Step Up Transformer Question
Another thing - the higher the gain, the higher the distortion. Just something to keep in mind; don't buy more than you need.  
Step Up Transformer Question
There seems to be a lot of markup in some SUT's. Why not buy bare transformers and put them in a box yourself? More control, more satisfaction, less money. Sowter makes good ones. Lundahl makes several grades from good to great. I've used both. T... 
Lifting the Christmas veil
Well done! The marriage, I mean.  
Do you adjust your subwoofer
Different strokes, I guess. Since every record is mastered differently, it follows that every record needs a different equalization. The recording engineer gets to choose his EQ - I think that I should get to choose mine. I built my phono / pre-... 
No sneering Please
The only kind of review that I trust says something like, "... made the singers on my records sound more like people I have heard live." Not many say that.  
Ultimate Turntable search...OMA K5 or ?
Amplifying on wands, I don't mean elementary considerations such as  compliance etc. for tracking. I mean basic engineering considerations which offer perfect transparency at the expense of listenability, or vice versa, and your preferences on tha... 
Ultimate Turntable search...OMA K5 or ?
I built my own air bearing TT and tonearm. I would suggest that you consider an air cushion in 3D - that is, not just air suspension, but an air bushing for radial bearing. I use an air bushing from New Way. Also consider mating the tonearm wand ...