

Responses from terraplane8bob

the sound of massed violins in classical orchestral recordings
Still very interesting ------.  I wanted to add a bit more to the discussion.      A few posters have mentioned Deutsche Grammophon as one of the greatest offenders regarding string tone and I thought this experience might bring a bit of light to ... 
the sound of massed violins in classical orchestral recordings
Very interesting thus far, and a couple of folks are close to the real answer.  I spent over 25 years as a symphony musician in a major orchestra, and then upon retirement, another 30 years as a recording engineer.  I hope these credentials might ... 
What do you sit on?
My friend had a dedicated listening room designed in his newly built house with dedicated circuits and lots of RPG room treatment. His system was comprised of very highend equipment like Mark Levinson, Krell and Wilson Audio.  Our group of four as... 
The tonal quality of the violins of Stradavari and Guarneri is often credited partly to the shellac used by the luthiers who made them.  Just sayin' ---- 
Rega P10 v Complete rebuild Garrard 401!
After having used a Thorens TD-125 and a SOTA Sapphire [with vacuum] for a number of years, I decided to pull out an old Garrard 301 I had, build a "floating" plinth for it using my Souther Linear Tracking arm with a "Helikon SL" cartridge, and ca... 
Metal cabinet speakers
I heard a floor-standing set of metal cabinet [aluminum, I believe] speakers at the home of Dan D'Agostino [founder of Krell] a dozen years ago, demonstrated by the man himself.  They sounded fine !  Whether they were prototypes or not, I don't kn... 
Why No McIntosh Recommendations?
"Back in the Day" I started with a Dynaco ST70 and as soon as I could afford it I moved to a MC 240 and after that a MC 275. Each step "Back in the Day" was a quantum leap in improved sound.  I got to the point that I soon owned 3 MC240's, 3 MC275... 
So just how much vinyl do YOU own?
When contemplating the task of counting my vinyl recordings, I took the easy way out and counted how many records there were in one foot --- [75 average] --- measured my record shelves and did the math. Of course, boxed sets have as much "box" as ... 
Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?
An interesting story [possibly apocryphal] about Jack Rabinow, the inventor of the Rabco Linear Tracking Tonearm : While traveling on a train, Jack went to use the restroom and was intrigued by the sign, "Please Do Not Flush While in Station",  an... 
How much do large Vinyl collections go for these days?
I recently acquired a 3500 classical record collection from the widow of a close friend.  I investigated a couple of dealers --- one of which "cherry-picked" the collection and paid 50 cents a disc for 300 discs.  Six hours of my time for $150 !  ... 
For a quick good time, blankets...
I recall being at a gathering of audiophiles at the home of an audio reviewer. We were well acquainted with the excellent acoustics of the room in which many of the items that he reviewed were auditioned and all of us were surprised at how poorly ... 
Searching for the ideal vintage bookshelf speakers.
Bozaks had no "Foam surround" on their drivers [I always hated the phony bass on AR speakers] and I still have a system with 6 Bozak woofers, 4 Bozak mids and 24 Bozak tweeters that will blow you out of the room. Imaging ? Nah --- not much. Bottom...