

Responses from terraplane8bob

Storage of other speakers in the room, shorting them while not in use? Myth or true?
I got a real chuckle out of the aforementioned article by Bill Sommerwerck in the Stereophile magazine in which he mentions a reviewer's  "One Speaker Room" devoid of any other speaker including a telephone.  When he pointed out that the reviewer ... 
Something on top of a speaker=okay?
The Victrola company once made a model with a gently rounded top to prevent users from placing ANYTHING on them.   Anyone ever notice how many old speakers have flower pot and Martini glass stains on them ?  
most beautiful (looking) speakers
Believe it or not --- "Terraplane7Bob" WAS already taken !   
most beautiful (looking) speakers
I realize that it is often the case that loudspeakers share a living space with other household members and that a certain attractiveness is a bonus and sometimes even a requirement.  I credit Lewis Lipnick, when writing for Stereophile, for creat... 
Cost Effective System Improvement?
My "Cost Effective System Improvement" is totally without cost, but only to those who are regular wearers of eyeglasses.  If you fall into this category, try this -------.   Sit in your "sweet spot" and listen to your favorite music with your eyes... 
System forclassical music
If your classical music friends are also regular orchestra concert goers, I think that whatever speakers they decide on purchasing, they should be speakers with good "imaging".  It is probably a characteristic that they would not think of seeking ... 
30 year old player, worth an upgrade?
I recently had a similar problem when my old Philips CD player started to show its age when paired with my Sennheiser Headphone Amp and HD600 headphones.   It clearly showed what a mediocre player the Philips was compared to today's players.  I re... 
What Are Your Reference Discs? or Specific Reference Tracks
Linda Ronstadt singing "When You Wish Upon A Star" with Nelson Riddle and his orchestra on the album "For Sentimental Reasons" recorded and mastered by George Massenberg.   
How to isolate turntable from footstep shake or vibration
My experience with a "VibraPlane" isolation device was that it not only isolated a turntable from the sub-sonic problems mentioned by the OP, but that even the placement of other equipment, like a CD player or DAC produces a surprising improvement... 
What ever happened to Mark Levenson?
I spent an interesting afternoon in Mark Levinson's NYC store many years ago.  I was there with an audio-reviewer friend who knew Mark.  The most interesting part of the visit was when Mark left us in his studio for an hour with instructions to pl... 
what system musicians prefer? Do they care?
I spent my childhood fascinated by music, played piano, trumpet and euphonium through school, studied at a major music conservatory, joined one of the top military bands in Washington, D.C., learned trombone and all of the recorder family, left th... 
This is very timely...
I have only ever had one interaction with Lyric Audio and that was just a few months ago. Being confined away from home due to recovery from open heart surgery, I needed a CD player to while away the time. I found an NAD - CD568 on Audiogon at an ... 
Whats your favourite track to play to the non hi-fi visitor?
Just to show that analogue vinyl is far from dead, Linda Ronstadt singing "When You Wish Upon a Star" -- Nelson Riddle & Orchestra -- Elektra/Asylum Records 60474-1-E  -- Recorded & mixed by George Massenburg -- Album : "For Sentimental Re... 
Who are your three favorite female singers?
Linda Ronstadt - k.d.Lang - Keeley Smith [Louis Prima's ex] 
has anybody else noticed this about singers?
In response to "Frogman's" comment :  "However, while I suppose it is possible that there is a relationship to how a given listener responds to a particular singers ability to find the core of sung notes or not, shouldn’t all listeners then react ...