Responses from terraplane8bob
Vibration Control I've had some experience with using a "Vibra-Plane" device to quell vibration. It was a total surprise to hear the results of placing a preamp, a CD player and a turntable on it in rotating sequence. An immediate improvement was obvious on all c... | |
Rondi H. D'Agostino Obituary I once met Rhondi briefly when visiting the Krell plane in Orange, CT. She and Dan D'Agostino were still an item at the time. A sad ending to a nice lady. RIP | |
Hearing aid question After a long career as a symphony trombonist and an equally long period as a recording engineer I finally realized that the high end of my hearing spectrum was less than optimal. Fortunately, I was a VET and was able to work with my VA audiology ... | |
little big win To get back to your altruistic gesture ----- GOOD on You !! A little bit of proselytizing on your part will not only bring someone from outside of the hobby "in from the cold" but will provide a lifelong gift that will not be forgotten ! GOOD o... | |
Are there any issues with connecting speaker wire in this manner? Emmetropia refers to great eyesight and hyperosmia refers to great sense of smell but if you have great sense of hearing you currently are considered to be an audiophile. If you are blessed with any or all of these conditions, exploit them to the... | |
Tekton Open Baffle Speakers The Siegfried Linkwitz "Orion" speakers are natural sounding and superb examples of open baffle design. Check "Linkwitz Lab.com" for more info. | |
Pictures at an Exhibition What a fabulous piece of music and a fabulous piece of orchestration by Ravel ! I agree with the assessment of the version with The Chicago Symphony Orchestra with Kubelik conducting. it is a great MONO recording on the Mercury label. I performed... | |
Speakers 10 years old or older that can compete with todays best, Linkwitz "Orions". | |
Heavy Vinyl Does it occur to anyone that a thicker LP would alter the VTA of the cartridge ? | |
If you were serious about sound you would... 2 ears = 2 microphones = realistic sound. " I would argue that the end result most certainly CAN be better than the original equipment it was recorded on." ------- Not BETTER ----- only DIFFERENT ! | |
Does anyone repair.... Would you pay $$$$ to have a photo of your parents restored so that you can put it in a place of prominence in YOUR home ? Would you pay $$$$ to have a recording of your child's first words so that you can listen to it years later in YOUR home ?... | |
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This? In 1956, as a student at The Eastman School of Music, I found that it was very convenient to pass by Craig Audio which was owned by a doublebass player in the Rochester Philharmonic, Dave Craig. It was only a block out of my way and was located i... | |
Cable elevators It is possible in certain instances where electric lines are installed directly under the audio system cables where they can cause interference. When working as a recording engineer I always had a RF problem in a certain church and attributed it ... | |
The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position On what planet is this discussion taking place ? | |
Your experience of moving to two subs Ther seems to be an assumption that bass is omni-directional. It is not. There is a point of origin for the original signal and two subs can resolve that reality. It is like two ears helping locate the direction of a sound or two eyes resolving... |