

Responses from terraplane8bob

Your experience of moving to two subs
Ther seems to be an assumption that bass is omni-directional.  It is not.  There is a point of origin for the original signal and two subs can resolve that reality.  It is like two ears helping locate the direction of a sound or two eyes resolving... 
Sat front row at the symphony...
I got a real chuckle out of "Mahler 123's" comment :   "Hearing the spit clog a horn player's instrument is interesting, but ultimately distracting."   Years ago, when my wife was still my girlfriend, I took a real chance when I pointed out to her... 
Sat front row at the symphony...
Adolf Herseth, the spectacular trumpet soloist with The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, once told a story in a radio interview with Bill [?] Russo about Fritz Reiner who, in my opinion, was the most important conductor the orchestra ever had.  Apparen... 
Sat front row at the symphony...
Viber 6's comment, "If I were a sitting giraffe with my head way over people, then the 2nd row might be nice."  That is a great way of articulating my previous comment about achieving a "sight line" to every instrument in an orchestra. From that v... 
Sat front row at the symphony...
I had the opportunity to perform in the Berlin "Philharmonie" .   During rehearsals I was able to go out in the hall and listen to the orchestra.  When I returned, my colleagues asked what the hall sounded like.  I told them that I was amazed at h... 
Sat front row at the symphony...
My 50 year career in music was pretty well divided into 25 years as a symphony musician and 25 years as a recording engineer.  The major orchestra I performed in played in some of the world's best concert halls.  Two of the best were the "Musikver... 
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
"Hypoman" made a comment about "eye candy" often being placed between loudspeakers and how distracting it can be.  I once owned a gorgeous pair of B&W 801 speakers finished in Rosewood and sold them to buy the exact same speaker in black becau... 
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
In the real world ---- not the make-believe world of the recording engineer [I can say this because I was one] --- musical instruments and the human voice have special characteristics depending on your proximity to them.  The degree of warmth that... 
where and how to find blank "music" CD's
I have had three TASCAM CD-RW2000 CD recorders that I used in my live music recording business.  My recollection is that I could write a disc that could be copied an unlimited number of times or a disc that could only be copied once.  How that was... 
OMG Moment
I was one of a group of about 6 who regularly gathered at a friend's home to listen to his exceptionally good system in a room specifically designed for audio listening.  One evening we found his system to sound less than ordinary.  We realized th... 
Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!
I recall posting a reference to a thread about "simple tweaks" to our systems and mentioned one of the easiest tweaks for people who normally wear glasses was to simply remove them !   Apparently the idea is still met with derision judging by this... 
Open Baffle Experience
Since both "russbutton"and "eric_squires" both mentioned the active crossover in Linkwitz designs, I thought I might elaborate on my last post.  I was fortunate to be good friends with one of  Linkwitz's collaborators on the "Orion" loudspeaker.  ... 
Open Baffle Experience
I own a pair of Linkwitz "Orion" loudspeakers mated with Burmester amps, pre and DAC and can't imagine a more open and natural sounding speaker.  If bass is on the recording it is heard in full bloom.  The very complex crossover network is crucial... 
Sad songs- We love them- We need them
I'm amazed that I am the first one to respond to this post with a "classical music" response, but here it is.  Gustav Mahler's "Kindertotenlieder" - "Songs on the Death of Children".  His loss is so great that he can envision the lost child enteri... 
Why not?
Regarding the "Harley" post : I had a friend who was the sales manager of a large motorcycle dealer.  He told me that the first thing they did when they traded in a bike was to remove all the accessories.  Why GIVE the customer the accessories whe...