
Responses from teajay

CD has laid back and uninvolving sound
No offense to you Chris, but after spending alot of money for a world class reference DAC, to leave in crappy tubes made in China is pretty stupid/silly to me. What's the "hassle" about six screws and putting in two tubes?I also believe you are wa... 
CD has laid back and uninvolving sound
Chris, you and I have the same digital front end. Yet, I find this combo to be wonderfully musical with great microdynamics and full extension on the top and bottom. Very "emotionally" involving, not laid back and distant at all.I do use the MBL r... 
Curious about your opinions new Pass Amps vs...
Aptquark, take a look at both my reviews of the Pass LabsX-350.5 and XA-100 monoblocks here on the GON. I believe either the 250.5 or XA-30.5 would offer you a higher musical performance in your system. 
tvc vs avc
I had John's wonderful Tap linestage, which used S&B transformers as you mentioned, and then went on to another great linestage, the Flora, that used autotransformers in its volume control. So, to answer your question either device used and se... 
Review: Accustic Arts Reference Tube Hybrid DAC II DA converter
Chris, my experience has been the opposite of yours. I found DACS like Audio Note and Zanden to be "closed in" with lack of extension and sparkle/airness on the high frequencies. The AA Tube Hybrid DAC has great extension on top, not rolled off at... 
PC & IC: Stealth vs KS Emotion vs Elrod
Emigene, I can't comment on the power cords, since I use Harmonic Studio Masters in my system, however I use all Stealth wires for IC's and speaker cable, so I can help you out with your question regarding adding warmth to your system.You will not... 
Pre-Amp Help
Sorry Macdadtexas, my mix-up, I meant the information on the Eklipse to be for Ajackson1 not you. 
Pre-Amp Help
Macdadtexas, take a look at my review here on the GON on the Audio Valve Eklipse preamp for the details regarding this terrific linestage. It's in your budget range and I have heard the Ayre-K1XE and believe it is quite out performed by the Eklips... 
Review: Audio Valve Eklipse Tube preamp
In the December issue of Stereophile, Robert J. Reina picked the Eklipse as one of the Editors' Choice 2008 products of the year.Mr. Reina stated, "A neutral, detailed, liquid, and dynamic performer with solid-state-like, kick-slam bass whose perf... 
Edge NL12.1: what smallish floorstanders/monitors?
Rgs92, take a look at S&P Tech's Mini two way speaker. Bob Smith's smallest speaker is a sonic gem, looks beautiful with it's matching stands and competes with speaker way above its price range. 
Review: NSR Sonic Research D3 Sonata Speaker
Hi Geared4me, to answer your questions:1) I run all Stealth cables in my system, Indra-Metacarbon IC's and Dream Petite speaker wire, have extensive experience with Mod Wright preamps and have had Nelson Pass amps in my system for over twenty year... 
2 Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II IC's too much?
Antonkk, at one time in my system I had all Acoustic Zen wires, 4 pairs of Silver Reference 11's, and they did not add any "brightness" at all. Just great details/speed, liquidity, natural timbres and a large and layered soundstage. The Matrix is ... 
Passlabs XA .5 vs Ayre MXR
I had mentioned a while back on an old thread that had auditioned the Ayre MXR's and thought they were ok, but no were as "musical" and lacked the liquidity of my Pass Labs XA-100's.Of course personnal taste and system synergy are always going to ... 
Best preamp for and EAR890 / ESL57 rig
Ggavetti, take a look at my recent Gon review of the Audio Valve Eklipse preamp, which is in your budget range. In a past review, on the ASL's Flora preamp I discuss my auditioning of a Shindo Labs linestage that was ok, but nothing special in my ... 
Bryston 14B-SST or Pass Labs X 350.5
Hi Rydenfan, I have a hunch that you are Ted B's good friend. I have listened/auditioned both Bryston and Pass Labs over the years, and still believe that the Pass X.5, XA and XA.5 series are some the most musical and natural sounding SS amps I ha...