
Responses from teajay

Which is the best high end passive power filter?
Melbguy1, take a look at my recent GON review of the Running Springs Dmitri AC conditioner for the details why it was signficantly better then two of the other pieces already mrntioned on your thread in my system. 
Review: Running Springs Audio Dmitri AC filter
Thanks Jfrech for your kind words regarding my review. To get to the thread on Robert Harley just go to Audio Asylum click to the Critics Section and you will see it. There's about 75 responses already regarding his review of the Dmitri. 
Review: Running Springs Audio Dmitri AC filter
I thought it is very interesting that over on Audio Asylum they are really ripping on good old Robert Harley regarding his Absolute Sound review of the Dmitri. He made the Dmitri his new reference replacing all of his Shunyata power conditioners i... 
best transport to go along with Accustic Arts Dac
I'm that member that Hickt is talking about. I had the AA DAC1 mk4 and now have the AA reference tube hybrid DAC and replaced my AA transport with the MBL with great results. 
Subwoofers for Magnepan 20.1s?
Powderdocter, take a look at my review here on the GON regarding why I now have a pair of Martin Logan Depth i's sitting behind my biamped MG-20's. You will be amazed at what the right Subwoofers will do to the soundstage depth/width, layering in ... 
Upgrade for Pass INT-150
Arbuckle, your Pass INT-150 is a great sounding intergrated amp, but it would be unfair to compare its sonic performance to any of the XA.5 series amps which are on a quite higher qualitative sonic level then the X or X.5 series. I hope your tax r... 
DAC with the best midrange ever.....
Rapogee, their is no "BEST" of anything in high end audio, however their can many great sounding pieces depending on personnal taste and system synergy. Take a look at my GON review of the Accustic Arts Tube Hybrid reference DAC for the details re... 
Shindo Auriges vs. Cary SLP98
Slaw3, I auditioned the Shindo Monbrisson and found it just to be OK in the context of my system. When I shared this in a review here on the GON regarding different preamps that I had auditioned the person who imports the Shindo gear got all bent ... 
Running Springs Audio
Jtwrace, currently I use a Jaco in my system with great results, for details look at my Gon review on this piece. Next week I will be getting the Dimetri with the HZ power cord and will be happy to share what this will do in my system. The Jaco be... 
Best digital interconnect
Bullot, take a look at my review here on the GON on the Stealth Audio Sextet digital cable for details why I still think this the best cable sonicly compared to about six or seven other highly regarded cables. The last comparsion was between the S... 
Review: Mye Sound speaker stands Magnepan- MG-20 Tweak
Sorry Dave B, the stock feet are no beefier then they have been in Magnepan's history. You are also mistaken I believe in that you think you have to "screw bolts" into your 3.6's for the Mye Sound stands, the bolts go into the exact same position ... 
Review: Martin Logan Depth i Subwoofer
The effects of the Depth Subwoofers on my soundstage depth and width, air around players, and having more of a 3D image that is seamlessly intergrated with the rest of the music has become even more pronounced now that the Subs are fully broken in... 
Recommended crossovers for Maggie 20.1s
Puerto, 20's and 20.1's always sound better when biamped with an active x-over in my listening experience. I would recommend the Bryston x-over, I use it in my system, which I believe retails for around $2800.00 these days. Also take a look at my ... 
Seeking suggestions for Preamp
Well Madfloyd, here's another preamp for your audition list. I went through a long auditioning process, which included at least three of the linestages that you mention and others, and found that the AudioValve Eklipse was far above the other piec... 
Best preamp for my system.
Bullot, take a look at my review of the Audio Valve Eklipse here on the GON, it will give you details why I would recommend that you put it on your audition list. It retails for $4200.00, built in Germany and is a terrific linestage. I have auditi...