
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Bryan, here's the answers to your questions:1)I do not use any room treatments except an Acoustic Revive wave generator tweek. My house is a post and beam home and was built to allow my MG-20's to really "sing" in this very large open space wit... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Dev, I have not changed the tubes in the AA DAC because I still find the long plate Bugle Boys still sound best to me. I also have read what you posted on the thread regarding the "BEST" DAC in the world, which is so silly of question to begin ... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Pubul57 and Karl, you both have had me thinking about the issues of what Pubul57 refers to as "warmth" vs less resolution/detail. I totally agree with what Pubul57 says about system matching/context, I have heard very good pieces of gear not sh... 
Coincident Pure Reference vs SP Tech Revelations
Optarchie, these two speakers are both great, however they are two very different sonic "animals" in there over all sonic presentation. If you love microdetails, transparency, a gaint layered soundstage, and finally bone crushing dynamics the Reve... 
So many preamps, so little time
Hi Erfranke, take a look at my Gon review of the Audio Valve Eklipse preamp for the details regarding its sonic performance. I still have not found a better sounding linestage in my system even at almost triple the price of the Eklipse. I have own... 
Acoustic Zen ABSOLUTE - speaker cable
Hi Jkuc, take a look at my review here on the GON regarding the AZ Absolute speaker wires sonic performance. Only when I went to much more expensive Stealth Dream Petite speaker wires did I get the upgrade I was looking for in my system. Mr Lee's ... 
Review: AetherAudio Black Box Tweak
My audiophile buddy just informed me that his Magico's are not M6's but the Ref3's, so now any mistakes I might have made in my review have been corrected. 
Review: AetherAudio Black Box Tweak
Just realized I made two minor errors in my review, so to set the record sraight:1) Bob is the "Mad scientist/Sonic wizard" of La Porte, not Portage, In.2) His great speakers are not based on a wave form, but a wave guide approach.I know neither i... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Hi Muralman1, the reason I still like the AA Tube DAC in my system is that it comes the closest for me to blending the best sonic traits of type one and type two that I have heard so far on redbook CD. I know that it sounds sick to call a piece th... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
If Pubul57, had not beat me to the punch, I was going to add to this thread way I still find the Accustic Arts Tube DAC to be a keeper in my system.I have spent a considerable amount of time listening/auditioning the following new crop of either D... 
Review: Odyssey Audio Stratos Amplifier
Well, brother T, I'm surprized you did not get some posts from other GON members who own Odyssey and rave about their amps on many different threads here. The question regarding Odyssey amps has always been not that they offer great build quality,... 
Bi-Amp Crossover Advice
Macdadtexas, if you want the crossover to be "out" of the sonic chain, I recommend the Bryston X-over then. I have not found a better x-over for my MG-20's. The Pass Labs x-over is a step above sonicly, but retails for around five or six thousand ... 
Pass Labs amp for Usher Be-10
Fusobal, take a look at my review on the XA-60.5's for details regarding why they replaced my XA-100's in my system. I had a 350.5, great amp, but sonicly the new XA.5 series is sonicly a major step above the X.5 series.Tvad, I drive my MG-20's wi... 
Pass Labs amp choice for CLS - What would you do?
Dchazen, if it's in your budget, in my opinion, you should go for the XA-100.5's. If you read my review on the XA-60.5's for the details regarding their sonic beauty, you will see that they are on a higher musical level then the X-.5 amps and yet ... 
Pass Labs amp choice for CLS - What would you do?
Srwooten, I hope my comments regarding my experience with the Pass amps compared to the Edge was not taken by you as a put down or negative statement about you or your experience regarding the X-600's vs. 10.1, if so I'm sorry if it came across th...