
Responses from teajay

the difference between tekton pendragon and double impact
Hi scarbpaul12,The short answer is YES.  Eric's new break through design used in the DI's is a qualitative shift from what you hear in your Pendragons.  I have reviewed the DI's, ULF's, and Impact monitors and they all received five stars because ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Patrick,I reviewed the Impact Monitors for hometheaterreview.com, along with the DI's and Ulf's, and can tell you that the stand mounts do not lack for bass extension and power.  If you don't have the space for the bigger brothers you will not... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey xenophon,Congrats on your choice of the Mother Load preamplifier.  Aric is a very talented designer/builder, besides being a good guy, who builds great performing high quality gear at very reasonable prices.  After I reviewed his KT-88 SET amp... 
Jay’s Audio CDT-3 - Impressions of a Great CD Transport
Hey snopro,Now would not be a good time to review what seems to be a great sounding DAC, mainly because I'm just starting to write a review on a $2,000.00 piece that completely out performed my reference of four years, the Concert Fidelity hybrid ... 
Jay’s Audio CDT-3 - Impressions of a Great CD Transport
Hey bluewolf,Just wanted to share that a professional review has been setup between Alvin and I for hometheaterreview.com on the CDT-3 MK2.  I had received many inquires from my readers on this transport.  I just recently became aware of your very... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey rubytuesday,Congrats on your SE's!  You are in for a real sonic treat this afternoon.I'm glad that you mentioned Mike Kay of Audio Archon, he really is one of the great guys/vendors of high-end audio gear.  He's extremely knowledgeable, honest... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi mofojo,As you know everything is influenced by "the law of diminishing returns", including our hobby.  However, the SE's version of the DI's takes this great speaker to a higher degree of finesse and qualitatively does everything better then th... 
Pass Labs XA 25 Cables
Hey Mark,I wrote a review on the Pass Labs XA-25 for hometheaterreview.com and believe it's one of the most beautiful SS amps I have ever had in my system.  I bought the review piece were it powers my reference system this very day.  I would recom... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Gentlemen,Just spent about 8 hours listening to AricAudio's new push/pull amplifier.  Based on what has been shared on this thread already regarding Aric's superlative and cost effective amplifiers and preamplifiers, he has another winner in t... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Gentlemen,This week I'm getting AricAudio's new Push-Pull amplifier in for review.  Since, Aric's SET amplifier, which I have already reviewed, was superlative, it will be very interesting to see how his new Push-Pull design will sound on the ... 
Thrilled with My New Bache Audio Speakers
Hey cellcbern,Congrats, on your Bache Speakers!  I'm the reviewer who gave the standard model of your speaker a five star rating on hometheaterreview.com.  I saw that on Audio Asylum some individuals were being critical of this design, but as usua... 
Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?
Hey Everybody,The review on the Ulfberht's by Ron Cook just went up on the website Stereo Times.  He replaced his 90K Wilson Audio Maxx 2's with the Tekton speaker.  By the way, I replaced my Lawrence Audio Cello's, retail 18K, after reviewing the... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey everybody,The review on the Ulberht's by Ron Cook just went up on Stereo Times.  He came to the same conclusions concerning the speaker's performance  that I did and replaced his Wilson Audio Maxx 2's, I think they retailed right around 90K, t... 
Linear Tube Audio at Axpona
Hey Paul,All the LTA have new beautifully done chassis.  The new model of the Micro-ZOTL preamp will sell for around 4K and is just a linestage with many more inputs/outputs and upgraded boards and power supply.  Mark will be sending me one for re... 
Linear Tube Audio MZ2 Preamp - has anyone compared it to.......
Hey jackd,Mark and I did not discuss this. However, I'm sure that he could customize anything you want on this new model.