
Responses from teajay

If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hey audiorevelation,I actually reviewed the Woo transport a few years back and it was quite good for the money.  However, based on build quality and more importantly sonic performance it comes no were close as being in the same league as the Jay's... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hey rx8man,The Jay's Audio is not just a decent transport but performs at a reference level.  Which CEC do you own?  Remember, my reference until this piece was a CEC, the Jay's Audio provides the analog liquidity of the belt drive and adds on muc... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hey d2girls,Regarding the PD-S95 transport I never had one in my system, but do know they are highly regarded.It's funny that you mention the Sparkler transport, I tried to setup a review on it with the importer, but it just never worked out.   
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hey Brian,Because I'm lucky to do professional reviewing I have owned and reviewed what are considered reference level DACS.  However, the quality of the CD transport can/does make a significant difference in the quality of what your DAC finally p... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hi jriggy,Yes, I have heard the PS Audio PWT transport and thought it was fine sounding, but not quiet as "musical" or having some of the liquidity of my other transports historically. I forgot to mention on the list of transports that I have also... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hey acresverde,I did research on your very question and the answer seems to be no.  Both mechanisms are highly regarded for both performance and durability.   
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hey ncarv,I have not had for a very long time the TL-1X in my system.  However, when CEC went to their latest two belt vs one belt technology which trickled done from the reference model the less expensive new models seemed to be better performers... 
Jay’s Audio CDT-3 - Impressions of a Great CD Transport
Hi Charles,Yes, I was quiet shocked that the DAC I had in for review significantly out performed my reference of over five years.  The Concert Fidelity DAC-hybrid 040 is a wonderful piece and really stood the test of time.  I never claimed it was ... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
First, I made an error regarding the moniker on this great transport, it's the CDT2-MK2, not CDT2-MK3.  The CDT2-MK2 retails for $2,598 Singapore dollars, not $4,980-that's for the reference CDT3-MK2.  The CDT3-MK2 internally up-samples all CD's a... 
Tekton DI Monitors
Hey Erik,Though out this thread you make recommendations and negative statements about the DI Monitors.I have one question:  Have you ever heard these speakers with your own ears?  If you have then you have some credibility, if not you are speakin... 
Tekton DI Monitors
Hey Charles,This is one of your very well said/insightful statements that I totally agree with.  By the way its been four professional reviewers that gave the DI Monitors five stars, not two.  I still found it amazing what nit-picking still goes o... 
Tekton DI Monitors
Hey Erik,You keep referring to the DI Monitor as a "quasi' D'Appolito design" , however I politely disagree with this statement.  Since it is not a D'Appolito design to begin with, therefore it by logic it can't be a "quasi" version by default.  A... 
Tekton DI Monitors
Hey facten, Let me be very clear and precise, for my personal taste the DI Monitors did out perform the speakers that I mentioned.  I could have purchased any other of the speakers I reviewed.  However, I did not, but did purchase the review pair ... 
Tekton DI Monitors
To address seanhies1 "pet peeve",Here's the speakers that have been in the same system for review that the the DI Monitors were compared to: Role Audio Enterprise Speaker 4K, Lawrence Audio Violin SE Speaker $8,500, Lawrence Audio Mandolin $5,500,... 
Tekton DI Monitors
By the way guys,Technically, the DI Monitor is not a D'Appolitos design because it is a three way design, not a two way design.  The smaller transducers sonicly function as a single point two way coaxial speaker, hence it's a three way design.  In...