
Responses from teajay

A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey celander,Here's the answers to your questions:1) I scored my NOS CCA 1962 Siemens from Brent Jesse.2) All the details regarding how the DAC sounded/performed presented in the review apply to Lab12 with the stock tubes and the Siemens.  3) Yes,... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey janehamble,The Lab12 DAC that we are discussing on this thread is the newer version called the SE.  I do believe that the DAC chips and basic overall design is the same, with better/different internal parts in the circuit in critical places th... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey snopro,I'm on the list to get the SIT3 for review.  Everyone, that I trust their ears liked it very much.  However, it's a very different amp compared to the XA-25 regarding what speakers you can drive and control over the bottom end and overa... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey celander,You do say interesting things in very peculiar ways.  To address your statements:1) I believe most people in this hobby know that people in the industry, including professional reviewers, get discounts on what they buy for their perso... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey Al,Truth be told, I never turn off SS amps including the XA-25, except if I'm going on a long trip.  Yes, the XA-25 comes mainly back on song after about a hour. However, to get to the pristine level of performance it can offer takes a lot mor... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey Celander,The way you shared your opinion, "should clearly state their conflict of interests" is setting up a false/invalid assumption.  I have no "conflict of interests, I'm not censored by the man I write for, I do not have to protect any com... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hi Spencer,My name is Terry London and I review for hometheaterreview.com.  Yes, my AudioGon name is teajay, however in real life all that know me well call me TJ, not Terry.  It's been a known fact from the beginning here who I am and who I write... 
If you still spin CD's their is a reference level Transport for reasonable money
Hey Guys,Srajan Ebaen, of Six Moon website, just completed his review on the transport.  He came to the same conclusions that I have reported here on this thread.  He was also kind enough to include my comments/viewpoints to other highly regarded ... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
I left out one more comment that was leveled at me by the boys at the Audio Doctor NJ.Since my review on the Double Impact Speakers there has been over seven five star reviews all over the place agreeing how terrific Eric Alexander's break through... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
To address some of the concerns raised by Audio Doctor NJ:1) As a professional reviewer I do get the industry peak at buying at a reduced price the piece of equipment I have evaluated.  However, for you to imply that I'm "on the take" or am behold... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hi mrdon,I never comment on things I'm ignorant about.  I have never heard your Prism Sound Callia DAC.  If your totally satisfied with what it does for your system, then by all means enjoy it.I have no idea what other DACs you have heard/audition... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hi agriculturist,As I stated in my review the Lab 12 DAC1 SE completely out performed my Concert Fidelity-040 hybrid DAC, my reference for over five years, across all sonic parameters. If you loved the sound of the Concert Fidelity, you would be v... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey rbstehno,My oh my, ignorance has no boundaries in this fun hobby of high-end audio.1) This NOS Phillips DAC chip is extremely held in high esteem by many listeners/designers because if used in the right way it offers an analog perspective rega... 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
 Hey k4star,I have no idea were you came up with the assumption that non-oversampling/upsampling DACS have a 3dB loss at 20khz.  The Lab 12 DAC1 SE had an extended/airy/ detailed top end in the three systems it was tested in. 
A DAC that crushes price vs. performance ratio
Hey k4rstar,You crack me up!  There is no high frequency "roll-off", so the way you asked the question is based on a false and misleading assumption.