
Responses from tbg

A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
Again, this is semantics. What we learn is which cable sounds better in our system. 
ERS Cloth uses
Freemand, I installed two pieces of ERS within the panel feeding my dedicated lines. I put a 5 x 6" piece in the top above the breakers and a 4 x 6" piece on the door above the circuit breakers themselves.I would not describe the effect as substan... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Pjl2122, until I heard the Feastrex 9 inchers on Sunday, I would have to say that the Grand Veena had my vote for the best speaker at the RMAF. Of course, the Feastrexs are far more expensive. I very close rival for the Grand Veena, however, was t... 
A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
Mlsstl, it is semantics. Since some cables sound better they must of necessity be passing the signal better and/or keeping spurious signals out better. They are subtracting less in the first case or adding less in the second case. I don't know wha... 
Reversing absolute phase
Mothra, I don't think there is an industry standard. We have no way to know whether what people prefer in polarity is correct polarity, the best of quite mixed polarities on a given recording, or even incorrect polarity. This is the sad state of a... 
ERS Cloth uses
Vx700, if by polished river stones, you mean Brilliant Pebbles, I can say that in at least some circumstances, I have found them useful. I am using none now and I am using no ERS cloth now. In my experience I cannot place the ERS cloth as anything... 
A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
Dazzdax. I certainly would not go so far as to say cables cannot elevate the sound to a higher level of excellence. Does this not imply a zero improvement? 
A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
How does anybody ascertain the percentage increase or decrease in performance, period? I can understand the notion of the magnitude of improvement, but percentages seem to me to be false precision. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Thesound, the ADAMs seem the philosophical opposites of the Feastrex. They do look like they use folded ribbon tweeters, which seems like a great chose. 
ERS Cloth uses
Vx700, all that I can say is proceed slowly as your experience may be like mine. With the exception of one cut up sheet, I sold all of my ERS cloth. I am going to try Freemand's suggestions today or tomorrow. 
ERS Cloth uses
Thanks, Freemand, I have one sheet of ERS and will concentrate on the circuit breakers and the box. 
Reversing absolute phase
Lewm, I just don't believe it is all that difficult. I helped mic a recording session of a jazz festival while at FSU. We checked at all balanced cables were wired correctly, that all the mics when we blew into them showed the correct output on th... 
A butt-load spent in cables - how much improvemt?
Regalma1, on snow I prefer red to see the slope changes more easily. I am now using a ss preamp and amp as finally someone has made one that accurately reproduces music. SETs do alter the music but less than anything else, IMHO. 
ERS Cloth uses
Freemand, I have yet to find a good place but have not tried the circuit breakers. Where do you put it? Just on the front of the panels? 
Reversing absolute phase
Piedpiper, I agree about the degradation. I had a Millennium preamp made by Siltech, with a remote switch to invert. I noticed that the best sound was to invert the speakerwires at the speaker but not on the preamp. It turned out to be an invertin...