
Responses from tbg

How many of us look under the hood??
It definitely lowers the noise floor. Somehow it dramatically improves ac whether in the component or in the ac cord coming to it. This I really don't understand, but it is true. 
Where to put my Shakti stone?
At one time I had 18 of them. Now I have none. There is little question that you can hear their impact. If I carefully avoided all signal wires and focused on transformers, I could hear some improvement in signal to noise. If I got anywhere near t... 
How many of us look under the hood??
Here of late I have opened everything and painted it with AVM paint. Sometimes I do this twice as I think of something else that I forgot. You can search for Accentus Speakers and go to AVM. This paint is used on Reference 3A Grand Veenas. 
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?
I would recommend the H-Cat P-12R X7 which meets your requirements but doesn't sound like tubes either. 
Hairdryer for Sale on Gon
Mike, did the AR Rio-5 have a longer lasting effect? Can it be used on records? The demonstrations I have seen only used cds. 
Pls recommend tube DAC
Like is so often the case, there is no real interest in this post in recommendations of a tube dac, only of recommendations of a cheap tube dac. I would like truth in advertising. 
Hairdryer for Sale on Gon
Had I not experienced the clear benefits, sometimes, of quartz, I, no doubt, would have been very suspicious. I do wonder about its benefits on other than vinyl, as I now have a cd server rather than optically playing cds. 
Walker Valid Points or Mapleshade Footers for preamp?
I recently tried three Acoustic Revive RIO-5010 clear quartz disks under my H-Cat line stage. I must add that it already was on a level 5 Mana stand with an Acapella isolation base using the special pucks between the unit and the isolation base. S... 
How do you ship large items? Help
Long ago I twice shipped 350 lbs./side Duntech Sovereigns by Mayflower technical division. At the time they focused on shipping computer equipment. They arrived, wrapped the speakers in furniture blankets, loaded them, and secured them to the wall... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
I just traded the Porsche Cayman for a Lexus RX400h. It is much more comfortable on the road for long distances, and I don't have to worry about life without a spare tire. 
YG Acoustics add in Stereophile
I came to hear the YGs two years ago at CES. Previously I have heard what I regard as the best speaker ever at the RMAF-the LSA model 10 as resurrected by John Tucker from a never assembled DK Designs speaker. By CES they had decided that the alum... 
Dedicated circuit's' ? or one dedicated circuit?
I have two dedicated circuits but use only one. The Acoustic Revive RTP-6 is essential and too expensive to have two. My amp is the 150 watt Exemplar Statement ss amp. It sounds better into the RTP-6 than into its own dedicated outlet. 
Walker Valid Points or Mapleshade Footers for preamp?
Glory, I strongly dislike maple. In every instance, it has robbed my sound of dynamics. Actually, I didn't use Walker's pucks under the Valid Points. I found the IsoClean small cups sound quite a good deal better. I did find that Walker's pucks he... 
Walker Valid Points or Mapleshade Footers for preamp?
Glory, I don't know what you mean by "having to deal with the lead" It is coated.The Walkers with their pucks are far superior to the Mapleshades, but I would agree that there are far better devices. The Halcyonics is so superior as to make everyt... 
Loricraft Record Cleaning
Jfrech, I am not talking about the obvious pops and clicks, rather the top end sounds brighter and the dynamics become more evident and quick. This is not at all to suggest that records cleaned with my several VPIs did not sound noticeably better ...