
Responses from taters

Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
Pani, I have heard the same thing about ATC speakers. I would like to audition the speakers but I don't know any dealers around me that carry them. Obviously Dynaudio and Harbeth are more popular but I really don't care about that. I just want the... 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
I thought the reason people buy Harbeth speakers is because they are warm and colored sounding. When I was looking for speakers about 4 years I auditioned the 7's, 5's and 30's. I decided on Dynaudio C-1's because they sounded more accurate to me ... 
Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?
I always thought Van Alstine priced their gear at the lower end of the spectrom. It seems like EAR prices their gear on the higher end of things. I think the biggest problem with EAR is there customer service. I have read quite a few threads about... 
Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?
I talked to my tech about EAR products. He said the products sound good but the way they are put together is not first rate. He also said they used the cheapest parts available. He said for what they are charging you should get a better made product. 
Theres a firesale of the Modwrights oppo 105 units
I have talked to 2 other guys that do mod's on the Oppo and the only person I would trust is Dan. I know the mod is a little bit expensive but he does it right. There are 5 players that are currently for sale on here so now would be a good time to... 
Anyone Compared ARC Ref 75SE and 75 With KT150
"Warren Gehl listens to all the upgrades before it leaves the factory" for what they are charging that is the least they can do. 
ARC Ref 75 vs REF 150
I think for the c-4's you should definitely get the Ref-150. I am currently running the C-1's and I sometimes run out of juice for those with 100 watts per channel. I wish I had 150 to 200 watts per channel with my C-1's. 
Magnepan 1.7 to 3.7i or Pass Labs XA60.5 to X100.5
The best advice is to go with a good sub or perhaps a pair of subs. That is going to give you the best results. 
Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?
Murphy the cat, I am not saying Wilson or Magico is a rip off. I am just saying that Harbeth is a bargain compared to Wilson or Magico. 
Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?
Yogi boy, compared to Wilson or Magico, Harbeth seems like a bargain. 
Watched the MTV awards that night
I used to work for a guy that would always say" crap is king" 
Watched the MTV awards that night
Mapman, you make an excellent comment that I had not thought of before. You said they gear towards having one sound so they can appeal to the masses. That is great insight on your part. 
My system sounds great.
Yogi boy, I had the same experience as you. Luckily it didn't take a lot of time to figure out tubes were the ticket. 
Watched the MTV awards that night
Yes, unfortunately it can. 
GoldenEar Triton One
Dave 72, I have never understood that.