
Responses from taters

The New Audio Research Reference 6
Davt,You forgot to mention all the SE models in between. 
The New Audio Research Reference 6
Mitch4t,How inexpensive do you think the 5 SE is going to get? If you figure the Ref 6 retails for 14k. Personally I don't think it will go under 7500.00 which is still a good chunk of change. 
The New Audio Research Reference 6
I'll hand it to ARC. When it comes to marketing high-end audio they are one of the best. They just keep making gear better and better. I think there next move show be designing hearing aids for their aging clientele. 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
Wim 1983,I have never heard Harbeth speakers described as analytical or clinical. That has to be a first. 
Bowers and Wilkerson B&W 802 D3: an impolite Brit?
I think the dealer that had the demo was David Weinhart. He has carried more speakers than carter has pills. I'm really surprised he carries B&W. I have always looked at Bowers and Wilkins to be more of a commercial brand. (Best buy, Magnolia)... 
Cadillac of Turntables?
Whart, I had mentioned that we are in a bubble on Ferrarichat and the group over there went ballistic. They actually think these cars are worth what the crazy dealers are asking. It's like musical chairs and someone is going to lose their seat and... 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
Sense63, I found what you said about the J.M. Reynauds interesting. I have a friend that carries them where he works. I have never heard them before but my friend has always told me these speakers sound better than Harbeths at half the price. It m... 
Cadillac of Turntables?
Whart, aren't the Lamborghini parts expensive because they build such small numbers of cars. I saw a show recently on T.V. Where one of the heads of the Lamborghini factory said they will never allow robots in their factory. He said they want thei... 
Cadillac of Turntables?
I think the Ferrari of turntables would be complex and expensive to repair. A Cadillac of turntables not so much. 
CD Sound ; Esoteric x-03 versus Oppo 105
I am wondering would the Oppo 105 with the Modwright modification sound better than the X-03? 
Cadillac of Turntables?
I think the turntable was a VPI classic 3. It was supplied by Brooks Berdan of Monrovia, California. 
trying to reach Art Audio..... are they gone ?
Andrew9405, what does that mean? 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
With solid state electronics I find Dynaudio analytical to. I run all tube gear with my C-1's and the last thing you would ever say is that they sound analytical or unnatural sounding. Amplification on Dynaudio speakers makes a huge difference. I ... 
$15,000 Speaker Does Not List Freq Response Specs
I read in Absolute sound that the speaker is a steal at 15k. I believe it also comes with a subwoofer. Who ever wrote the review said there was no need to spend more money on a speaker. 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
Pdreher, what kind of electronics were you running with the Dyn's?