
Responses from taters

I am sick of Adele
Back in the day she would not be a big deal. With the music industry putting out such trash nowadays she sounds better than most. 
Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next
Joni,You are 100% right. These headphones are geared for the rich. They are definitely not made for audiophiles. ( sure there are a few rich audiophiles that might buy them, but not many)I am sure you will see ads for them in the DuPont registry a... 
Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamps For Sale?
I have dealt would Sunil and all I can say is to stay away from him. I don't know much about Brian Berdan but I would say give him a chance. I used to deal with Brooks Berdan all the time. He was very fair and congenial. I think there is a store i... 
Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamps For Sale?
BDP-24,I tried to look up the thread you had mentioned about worst dealers in the country. I could not find it. Is it listed under a different thread? 
What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?
Tsushima1,I am sure he thinks those are crap to. He obviously doesn't like ARC. 
What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?
If he thinks a Ref-5 se is a low quality pre-amp. I can't imagine what he would say about my LS-27. 
What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?
Bo1972,Everything you said about the Ref-5SE I have heard the opposite. Tell us what pre-amp for the same money you like better? 
Audio Research Reference 5 SE Preamps For Sale?
Knowing Sunil, he must of loved that! 
Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next
At 55k I don't think it will sell out quickly. 
I find this so strange
Lowrider,Why not just leave it like it was. When you own several company's and change the name to one of the brands that you carry it makes the other brands you have seem less significant. I think this is a terrible marketing move. 
I find this so strange
Lostbears,You are correct. I meant to say World of Mcintosh. Sorry about that. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
One thing I forgot to mention. A few years ago I borrowed some different interconnects and speaker cables from the cable company. (They are the one's that have the lending library) the cables I borrowed were 2 and 3 times more expensive than what ... 
Danish loudspeakers: Dynaudio & System Audio
Pani,I would love to but like I said there are no dealers for them in my area. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Dave b,You say the cable retails at 15k. Even if I had the money to buy such expensive cables I would never do it. I could not stand the thought of someone making such a large profit margin off my hard earned money. The cables probably cost the ma...