
Responses from taters

Gene Simmons says the rock business is dead
Suck or not suck. They are still in the Rock and roll hall of fame. 
New format, dislike.....
I wonder why they don't have a general off topic section like the other audio websites. 
New Forum Format Sucks
Geoffkait,i am am having a problem with that to. 
New format, dislike.....
I notice they are posting responses in real time rather than wait the usual 8 hours. Is this for established members only? 
Did you get your copy audio porn?
Abucktwoeighty,I obviously don't know for sure but if I have to guess it would be several million. 
Audio Research Reference 150 severe distortion
I have a Vt-100 Mklll since 2001 and the only thing I have ever done is change tubes. I currently need my tubes changed so I asked my technician is there any thing else I should do because my unit is 14 years old. He said if it still works fine th... 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
Ihor,If you are happy with the Omegas I would stick with those. There is a huge price difference between the two. I wish more people knew about the Omegas. Maybe the price of the 30.1 would not be so high. I don't understand why in Canada does the... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Zd452,They will send you all the cables you want if you are willing to pay the 5 percent of the retail price of the cable plus shipping. They don't provide this service for free. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Maplegroove,You tell it like it is. I really appreciate that. 
Did you get your copy audio porn?
Abucktwoeighty,They have been putting out this quality of catalogue for years. If they weren't making a profit you would not see this caliber of publication. 
Philly Record Store Day fail
I believe record store day is 4/20. 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
I have never heard the Omega's. I did talk to the owner of the company and he informed me they do offer a 30 day home audition. If these speakers sound as good as the Harbeths they are a steal. I believe he told me the speakers in a standard finis... 
Is Klyne Audio still in existence
Last time I saw their gear in a store was 25 years ago. 
What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?
Bo1972,If what you say is true does that mean Mcintosh is also using cheaper parts. They are both owned by the same company. 
What's a contender to an Audio Reference 5 SE?
Oregonpapa,The last 2 years Randy used the Vandersteens amps. I think they were designed around their statement speakers.