
Responses from tablejockey

Latest bin find.....Elton John
"I actually purchased my EAR 834P from him. When I received it, to my surprise, he had enclosed a used Amperex Bugle Boy at an extra $50.00 charge. When I inquired about it he did not make any apologies. I accepted it and never did business with h... 
Latest bin find.....Elton John
slaw-insert Arte Johnson GIF here...VERY INTERESTINGJohnny Carson- I did not know that... 
Latest bin find.....Elton John
slaw, are you certain it's the same dude?I agree with TP on a lot of his critique, but call BS on some his his attempts at being "technical" with descriptives.  There isn't anyone who's 100%, and he sometimes hits a BS grand slam, now and then. I'... 
Latest bin find.....Elton John
"You misread"Ah..silly me. I default to stamper guy, when I see DCC in a sentence.I get his site as a hit, when I do a search.http://dccblowout.comGreat album, regardless. 
I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?
Defiant-Your response indicates  you "don't get it""troll" is not meant as a desparaging remark.Wait, Im explaining myself...If you can't understand what I meant by "this troll"....apolgies. We just have your words to go by, so I take it at face v... 
I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?
Okay, I will take a bite of this troll...The OP has phrased his request poorly. He bashes a line without mentioning if he even heard a system with said brand. He expects everyone else to have HIS ears and perception as to what's a "decent" alterna... 
Latest bin find.....Elton John
slaw-congrats on your recent acquisition. Madman is another impossible title to find in an unmolested condition. Every copy is a victim of being played on the "all in one" system, stacked 5 deep on the changer,tracking @ 5 grams! What level did yo... 
LA Rock station casualty
pratorius- that station has a nice eclectic mix. Their signal isnt very strong in my area-Long Beach. I could probably dial it in if I had a proper rooftop antenna w/ rotator at home. In the car, it's rare to get a since strong signal.Not often I ... 
LA Rock station casualty
"It’s sad, because I have always wanted a McIntosh MR78. Unfortunately, it would only gather dust on my shelf."tonykay-at home,the tuning dial doesn't move much on my 66' Mac MR71. Only 3 NR stations-news,Jazz and Classical.I don't bother with the... 
Best wishes for Tom Petty
"I just got out of hospital Sat. 30 after TAVR for aortic stenosis, and more than happy to still be amongst all of us."Good golly! asvjerry- good luck and long life to you. Stroke survivor here.Reading up on your procedure, its amazing how technol... 
Best wishes for Tom Petty
"Mudcruntch stopped in Tulsa Oklahoma to seek advice from TDTB, and perhaps get some L.A. contacts. Twilley introduced Petty to Leon Russell, who had a Shelter office in town. After arriving in L.A., Petty did his first recording at the Shelter re... 
Cartridge Suggestion Requested
Avanti1960- you have 3 highly  rated carts.No one will have a correct  answer for you. I would just stay in your budget and try more carts. Everyone's perception of performance is different. No one has your exact setup and room conditions. Your ph... 
Best wishes for Tom Petty
"Would like to have this if it improves on original releases."jafreeman-I see your a digital only listener, so my suggesting you simply look for unmolested early presses won't help. It looks like that system is tough to break away from, once you s... 
Best wishes for Tom Petty
"Please don’t misinterpret this message but I never cared for Tom Petty’s music. When I first heard him I thought....oh my gosh, here is the next Bob Dylan, but he seemed to veer more toward pop music and I never cared for his sound."falconcrest- ... 
Best wishes for Tom Petty
The local news is reporting TP is "clinging" to life. Apparently, an official declaration TP is deceased, was premature.Regardless,  it doesn't sound encouraging.