
Responses from tablejockey

Where should the better of two sets of cables go?
The "best sound" is obtained by YOU trying them in both spots and letting your ears do the judging. Very simple. No one here can help with that. 
Beatles on PBS!
I saw  the premiere last year. Thought it was great. Now I've  caught it a few times on rotation, while channel surfing. Even better, since i've been able to catch details I missed the first time around.The picture quality of some scenes is amazin... 
SoCal FM radio casualty
bdp24-Yeah, by 80's the Foothill was just a shell of what it was. I think I saw Screaming Jay Hawkins and the Blasters there.I enjoy reading about your past  R&R exploits. Did you ever play at the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach?  
SoCal FM radio casualty
oregonpapa-I did not have the good fortune of catching a gig at the Lighthouse during the Jazz heyday.I do however, have a Contemporary label press of "Sunday Jazz  A La Lighthouse"It was recorded sometime late 50's,early 60's. Great music.I was s... 
SoCal FM radio casualty
oregonpapa-the station was located on top of  Signal Hill, a small incorporated area in the middle of Long  Beach. I ride my bike up that hill regularly. The area is now over priced homes, and a plaque reminding  people what used to be there. Down... 
Focal Kanta No.2 speakers - any thoughts? Also in comparison with Sonus Faber Olympica 3s?
rsure-any room short of a "listening room" is always a compromise,especially in a living space.We have significant others we answer to,and other "real" factors.I use the Cardas placement, with great results. 
Focal Kanta No.2 speakers - any thoughts? Also in comparison with Sonus Faber Olympica 3s?
rsure-This looks like a deal worth checking out. on value- maybe a better deal than the SF's you're considering. Technically, a step  above the Kanta, subjectively ... 
SoCal FM radio casualty
"Not sure about the exact situation in your region, but don't many stations migrate to internet radio? As a listener, I have moved over as well, and without any regrets."willemj-my dispair occurs only in my car, which isn't equipped with "modern" ... 
Focal Kanta No.2 speakers - any thoughts? Also in comparison with Sonus Faber Olympica 3s?
rsure-give the distributor a call-Upcale Audio.  Both lines represented there. Kevin can provide more insight on your decision. 
Focal Kanta No.2 speakers - any thoughts? Also in comparison with Sonus Faber Olympica 3s?
I have the PL HP. If I were ready to plunk down some serious cash, I’d be on the lookout for the Focal Sopra 2 used. I’ve seen them UNDER $10K.Big Sonus Faber fan here. Aesthetically, not many brands compare. Id go with the Stradivarius Homage if ... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
"Maxell Vertex tape"Inna- memory is letting me down. The glory days transferring a fresh from the bin record- recorded to premium cassette for the car, seem like yesterday.I used most of the popular brands including Maxell. Don’t remember Vertex? ... 
Non-subjective speaker test at home
"i know all speaker elements produce clean sound. What else?"You've revealed a clear case of audio nervosa. You can't accept the simple test of them producing good sound, so you think you need more "testing  stuff"I would just put them in their be... 
Anyone have experience with the Tung Sol 7581a vs. EL34, KT66, KT88, 6L6
jbhiller,I noticed that tube awhile back and was always curious, since I too have the PL HP.Nice to see they are ridiculously priced.El34,KT77 & KT88 sound great. The compromise between those two for me have been the RCA 6L6G(the big bottles) ... 
Have ~$10-12k...what would you do?
"I've gone everywhere from just doing a better integrated and maybe saving some money (Primaluna HP, Octave, VAC sigma) to separates to mono's (VAC, C-J, Cary, Manley, Rogue, and a few others). Don't mind used in the least."phaun16-Off topic, but... 
Rega Turntable
stanwal-I'm wondering how Rega chose those hardware store footers? For $30k, it should have some nice aesthetically fitting, CNC'd brass or whatever, high tech feet. Looks like an afterthought, relative to the high,carbon plinth.Ive never found a ...