
Responses from tablejockey

Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
"the Valhalla was another noticible jump in quality. My problem was in between. The Frey & Tyr went kind of sideways. They had a different sound."elevick- I too have sat through a couple of Nordost sessions. I agree, once the stock cable is re... 
Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
"They both are another world upgrade from blue heaven which i already have."skrymar-that had to be a significant jump. I was so pleased with just replacing some ancient BH speaker cables to Heimdall II, I replaced everything from the wall and IC's... 
3 Cartridges Reviewed
dodgealum-Nice insight.This thread speaks to me. My time with the ART9 is nearing the 2.5 year mark. No regrets, but as any true audio geek, curiosity about other possibilities which include the SS MIMC & Aida is always present.Your review she... 
Primaluna Integrated with a seperate preamp
Saki70-I have the PL Dialogue HP integrated.Earlier this year, I picked up a used Dialogue Premium preamp, with intentions of getting 2 HP amps.Used the pre with the integrated thru the HT. The sonic difference is quite subtle, I couldn't hear it.... 
Do you listen mainly to Audiophile CDs and records?
I agree with folkfreak. Inline with my listening habits. Paramount for me, is to have a period press, and listen to it through best possible system setup(to your own ears) 
Do you listen mainly to Audiophile CDs and records?
My "listening ears" are stuck hearing period only records-particularly R&R.Reissue R&R and those "audio presses" always have me going back to my sometimes stitch/tick ridden originals. Many seem to have punched up bass and sound like a CD.... 
Triode or Ultra-linear? Why?
I find my lofi tubed system absolutely needs the UL/triode option. The majority of my listening is records, many are simply too "hot" when cranked ocaissionally in UL. Hearing a Les Paul or cymbals at near concert levels isn't the same when I hear... 
Speaker Placement - When it's perfect!
I've been aware of it for years, and on page one it's already mentioned-the Cardas setup my situation, it was the answer for wasted time fussing. Like everything, this too is a YMMV thing. Bass traps a... 
Triode or Ultra-linear? Why?
lloydc-I heard the Mesa years ago, isn't there an option to run full pentode as well? From what I remember, the Mesa is a fine piece, just like their guitar amps. 
Triode or Ultra-linear? Why?
For R&R, UL  seems to be the preferred mode, since you want a little extra umph for the drum/bass. Typically any instrumental-R&R,Jazz, Classical I leave my PL in UL.Jazz vocal divas-Ella,Billie, Sarah..etc I prefer triode, which "pushes" ... 
Led Zeppelin II
"all my best sounding Zep copies are early pressings and that includes the Classic 45s I own."whart-never heard the  45s. Being a Zep head, always wondered how it would compare to a clean RL, or,the other early presses? I find 45 reissues of other... 
Led Zeppelin II
consider a period domestic press. The desired copy is the Robert Ludwig press. with a few ticks and stitches, a period press usually gets my... 
Mod my Rega P5 OR...time to move on ??
slaw, the wall bracket you have there in your profile looks interesting. I hope your project was a success?Im fortunate the 100 year old wood planked floor of my place doesn't add the footfall dilemma. I find the low tech(and pricey) Mapleshade ph... 
Mod my Rega P5 OR...time to move on ??
I'm curious to see what the OP decides on, since my path was similar.I certainly miss the simplicity of the Rega philosophy-just put a record on and lower the arm.The difficult decision however, is where do you draw the line on tweaking$ and justi... 
Rega RP8 and alternatives in $3000-4000 range
fabsound- this is as good as it gets for the price. With the money saved,its worth investing in a $1K+LOMC to go along with it. is a Prime ...