
Responses from tablejockey

Re-Assessing RVG
I need to sell sticks, might be profitable 
VTA-Nervosa a Curse or a Blessing?
VTA=another polarizing subject that will never be put to rest.I have MASSIVE tinnitus/hearing loss so it's just another audiophool facet to ignore. I DO spend some time during an initial cart setup to get things in order, and maybe a follow up a f... 
My System's Weakest Link - What Say You...
Just looks like good stuff to me.The room and speaker setup is the deal breaker in any situation.Put your setup in the bathroom, it gonna be awful. In a nice treated room it’s gonna sound like a million bucks.You have it all in a living space. Com... 
Cartridge recommendation around $2k?
dhcod-If you're comfortable with purchasing overseas, this seller has a good reputation and is selling a Kiseki Blue at a more realistic price. it now on level cost... 
Cartridge recommendation around $2k?
 "Thanks for the Kiseki Blue suggestion. I'll check that one out."dhcod-better cross that one out too.  It's .4mv.  A smidge less than the ART9 XI@ .5mvSomeone with more knowledge can chime in regarding 58db being enough for  .5miilivolts. I've   ... 
Cartridge recommendation around $2k?
I have a VPI and used the Audio Technica ART 9@$1200.  It was the flavor of the month here, 6 years ago.  Kiseki Blue@ $2K is on my table presently. Acquired a "lightly used" o... 
Are these exceptionally well recorded, or what?
"Veronica Swift: This Better Earth (opening song—she’s right there in the room)"Look for  the 1961 original by Dinah Washington for amazing "in the room" sonics. I listen to the mono LP, but it's probably decent on digital as well.I like to give c... 
Martin logan Impression 11a
$10 MSRP speakers...I would be making friends with the customer service guy who answers the phone and making sure your case is documented in their system.Good to hear they honored warranty so far, but I'd be concerned. It could just be a fluke, an... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
"Now if you ever bring up anything by Jethro Tull you might not hear the end of it"A nice period press of Aqualung that HASN’T seen better days than being stacked 4 high on a cheap all in one is a very tough to find.I went thru 4 to get to my pers... 
A solid tube photo stage around 1500
"I took a plunge on a Hagerman Trumpet - sound unheard based on several recs here and online."Looks like a winner for the price. Maybe a future tweak is an LPS to replace the wall wart. 
What equipment should I invest in next?
Demo  a Power Plant. You'll only be out shipping if you don't like it. 
Chicago Transit Authority
Why the first run isn't included is a mystery. percussion breaks on "Beginnings" and "I'm a Man" are no less than spectacular.I'd like to hear this Bra... 
About the importance of the room vs the electronics
Some virtual systems grab my attention. perfect example of accepting your amazing living space and cool audio gear can exist, just accept whatever necessary. The space is amazing and really deserves to be ... 
What would be your favorite 3 tracks that demonstrate how great your system sounds?
"I still use ELP's "Lucky Man" to see if I can shut an amp down and hear the low frequency stuff."russ69-I brought my copy of  ELP to hear "Lucky Man" on the uber tables at a show.The room I entered was just ending a Classical piece with listeners... 
One Cord To Rule Them All
"Thanks to all, except that guy who kept "schooling" me about the watts. :-)"koestner-just passing along actual hard fact. I’d like to think everyone here wants to acquire knowledge and maybe pass some.This thread caught my attention since I belie...