
Responses from swanny76109

Mirror for cartridge set up?
Mint lp protractor. Do a search here or a googleSearch. 
Impressions of PS Audio GCPH
Interesting findings. I know ps recommends keeping the gain between 12 to 3 on the dial. I run mine at around 1:30-2 for my lomc (dyna xx2 mk2) which has .28 MV output. I use the 66 db setting and run xlr out to my pass xp10 but also have to set t... 
Impressions of PS Audio GCPH
are you running the outputs fully balanced via XLR? Those outputs will give 6 db higher than the single ended outputs. 
Buy new CDP or just add a newer DAC?
DACs are the future and provide the most flexibility and value. I especially concur with the folks who have discussed the benefits of adding computer audio into the mix. The ability to have your entire library at the palm of your hand and listen t... 
Yamaha AS2000 - balanced input
I bet you can reduce the output volume on the PS audio unit, since it functions as a preamp too.I also bet the Yamaha is not a true balanced input as the PS audio is.Also possible that input on the Yammie is fried or has a loose solder joint or an... 
Von Schweikert VR-6: Fair Price Advice
Call Albert Von Schweikert with the serial number and ask him if they are under warranty. I vouchsafe they are probably not, and if you check his website you'll see that he advises against buying his speakers from anyone online (esp Ebay) who clai... 
Quick question to you allknowing music lovers?
Contact VPI. 
Annoying Hum SOLVED
My guess is it was Almarg, who often suggests Jensen products and always offers sage, well grounded advice. Glad it worked! I may try the parts xpress version on my cable inputs in my house too. 
Why DACs have no BNC Digital In
Hey Brano-- bel canto has bnc input. You can come over and see mine and how it connects. John 
What's the best AES Digital Balanced cable you eve
I second Elizabeth. I use Mogami Gold as well. Sounds great to me. 
SS preamp with Pass XA 60.5 amps
The xp 10 is great and the xp20 even better and 30 amazing. Contact mark at Reno hifi 
Speaker cable thoughts
Acoustic Zen Satori will sound great with your gear. I run the bi wire model with my VR4SR2 and Bel Canto Ref1000m. I think the Bel Canto gear does better with copper vs. silver cabling. 
Hey Dean (and Albert) I am also in the DFW area and would be interested in getting together too. Unfortunately we can't connect on audiogon directly anymore. How can we all connect now? John 
Sonic improvement with Threshold FET 9 refurb?
Contact Jon Soderberg at vintageamprepair. He is a Threshold/Forte expert rebuilder. 
Used cables $1k - SF Amati and Bel Canto RF1000??
I have good luck with my Synergistic Teslas (XLR) between my Pass XP 10 and my Ref1000Mk2. Cardas Golden Ref work well too for me. I think the Teslas give a little more oomph and open the sound up a bit more.