
Responses from swanny76109

Why is my turntable so loud?
or get a different cartridge with lower output 
"Brand New"...I don't think so
these are probably dealers working around limitations against selling new merchandise on the internet. Open the box, and there you go, it's not really "new." 
Review: Pass Labs XP-10 Preamplifier
I have an XP10 in a simple 2 channel configuration w/ no sub. Re question 2: The Pass gear definitely is designed to run with balanced, so use that by all means out to your amp and use the RCA out to the subs. You'll get the highest voltage and cl... 
Upgrade a Dynavector 20X2 H on a VPI table
The xx2 is very low output, just under .3 mv (.28 I believe), so if the .5 is your cutoff, it would not be a contender. I have one in my system on a classic 1 and it is a superb cartridge with all the traits you are looking for when properly set u... 
Don't use this to lube your VPI Classic bearing
Yes, I have a 3 oz bottle coming tomorrow from Amazon for $6.50. It looks like great stuff, and I can use it on my bike components, car battery terminals, and garage door too. Now I have to clean out the bearing again! The magic lube I put in actu... 
Power cord effect on turntables
Ask yourself: Do I listen to the motor? No, you don't. You have a speed controller feeding stable and proper voltage to your motor. Spend the money somewhere else that matters. Or save it. 
Multi-Format players of yesteryear, vs. Now
It's probably worth trying the oppo if you want a one box solution, but that is likely a sideways move. I also agree with keeping the Pio as a transport (they simply don't build em like that anymore) and spending money on a good, current DAC which... 
JMW 10.5 tonearm cartridge recommendation
I have run both a Cardas Myrtle Heart (which is a Benz Ruby 2) and currently run a Dynavector xx2 mk2 and both have worked great. The Soundsmith VPI model is supposed to be very good too, it is a higher output moving iron. There have been a lot of... 
Don't use this to lube your VPI Classic bearing
I still want to know for sure. The Magic Lube site says:Specially formulated to benon-melting, non-volatile, and waterproof, Magic LubeĀ®has been USDA H-1 rated to be environmentally safe. Itis chemical resistant and compatible with most metals,rub... 
Don't use this to lube your VPI Classic bearing
Magic Lube (1 Oz.) 26.00 is what is listed on VPIs part/price list under all TTs they make. Not Super Lube, or anything else.A google search turned up this: aladdin1950.com/images/partsbook/page_2-3%20_magic%20_lube.pdf I am sure you can buy it fo... 
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000
I would also try the Satori. Like you, Sunnyjim, I also run Class D monoblocks (BC Ref 1000 Mk 2)with fairly efficient and easy to drive speakers. I use the Shotgun external bi wire set. Plenty of detail, but very smooth and good bass response. I ... 
VPI JMW Jig Question
Mint directions tell you what to do for setup. Follow them exactly and be sure you have a 3x and a 8-10x loupe for setup. You need both. The magnifying glass they send sucks. You can find directions online too I believe, downloadable PDF, but they... 
What's with all the Sony 5400ES units for sale?
Many folks are moving to computer audio and DACs and see no reason to use or hang on to expensive transports. Among the other sound reasons above. Eliz, love the knitting joke! 
Diana Krall Survey
Just listened, and my first impression is "whatever." I am sure it will sound pretty good as other posters above have addressed. One thing no one mentioned is that she is working with T Bone Burnett on this one (instead of Tommy LiPuma), as he is ... 
cartridge alignment
You should use an 8x-10x loupe to get best results. You can see it used in the detailed photo instructions provided by Mint--you put it at the edge of your platter facing the stylus while you line up the lines on mirror. You can rest it between tw...