
Responses from stuartk

List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@dweller Of course, I’m familiar with it. Not Jazz, but good!  
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@mahgister OK ... to embed url, select the "chain" image to the right of the emoji image at the top of the audiogon text box.  A Link box will open, where you can paste the url. The url for the Trumpet Summit video: 
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@mahgister No problem! My thinking, in making such a distinction, was simply that live recordings can provide a sense of being "with the musicians, in the club", as the music is unfolding, moment-to-moment. I don’t regard live recordings as inhe... 
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@mahgister  Well, OK but given just how many live recordings Jarrett has released, odds are no-one has heard them all. ;o) There aren't as many live Miles releases (definitely not hundreds)  but the "Bootleg Series" has certainly increased their... 
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@drbb  I'm familiar with the Jarrett but will check out the other two you've mentioned.  @bigtwin  They also did a second, 2 CD release: "Trilogy 2". 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
@hilde45 3 more:  TMR, Up Scale Audio, Listen Up!       
New In 2023
Thanks, jafant. I'd rather talk about music than gear any day.😀    
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
@krelldog  I'm pretty sure this rarely happens. Its a great idea, but I can't imagine many dealers are going to let you take expensive speakers home, unbox them, audition them,re-box them and then bring them back. They may sell them too you, and... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
@larsman I dunno - some folks, like me, wouldn’t want to deal with returning big floorstanding speakers, returns or no returns.. I get it. I just don't trust my ability to make a purchasing decision based on a showroom demo or review. But the... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
@larsman  Auditioning speakers is often not an option for a lot of people, You mean: a lot of people are not willing to limit their choices to what can be purchased with a return policy, right?     
Mazzy loves Little Feat!
"...crank-case coo-kin’ -- that’s a man-i-fold des-ti-ny..." Great performance. Yeah; I bought that record . . what a let down. But we’ll always have "Bring the Family" to savor. I’ve only seen Hiatt once. He didn’t bring along any sidemen on t... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
How "safe" do you want to be? Personally, I'd never buy any speaker I couldn’t first audition in my room. Your money.  Your ears.     
New In 2023
I haven’t read through the entire thread, so maybe you’ve already mentioned these; 1) "Encore" by Brain Auger and Julie Tippets has been re-released by Esoteric. 2) "Hig... 
A Black Box to Solve Everything
@knotscott  Tubes for guitar and tubes for hi fi have very different objectives. Audible distortion for a guitar amp is a desirable feature, not so for a hi fi amp. FYI, distortion ("overdrive") is not the sole goal or attribute of guitar amps... 
From whence does Sound Stage come?
@oldrooney  How much have you actually played with speaker positioning?  I don't know how applicable this might be for you, but I had to experiment much more than I'd ever expected before I finally got this right. One of the most dramatic improv...