
Responses from stuartk

Jazz for aficionados
@dmk_calgary  I just discovered that Kenny Wheeler was Canadian -- I'd always thought he was a Brit !  One of my favorite ECM artists.  @ho249  PFE displays an interesting combination of influences.       
Dust Removal
Thanks for all the suggestions. . . quite a range, here !      
Jazz for aficionados
@dmk_calgary  Two more Canadians: Neil Swainson: and Ingrid Jensen: 
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim  Yes: an excellent choice!  Also, check out "West 42nd Street".  
Plastic sleeves for cd's...
@fbgbill Since most of my cd’s are in jewel cases, any new ones that come in cardboard I put them in jewel cases and cut the cardboard to fit tin the case Yes; I do this as well.   
Jazz for aficionados
@dmk_calgary , @acman3  Thanks for your suggestions.  Tragic loss, Remler. There was no official live release but there are some live performances on youtube.   
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister  "people will spend 50,000 bucks for a system inferior to my 700 bucks one because they dont know what to buy and why , and where to put it." Yes. Filling a room with gear is easy. Choosing gear that works well together in a particu... 
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister  You are most welcome!   BTW, Tabackin is no slouch, either!   I dislike most Jazz flute playing but his, with its distinctive "oriental" flavor, I find very enjoyable. A sample:    
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@simonmoon  Let me add, that none of my choices were made due to sound quality, or audiophile cred. They were all chosen for performance and musical content.  Bravo!      
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister Yes; I mentioned the Mosaic 3 CD set. Did you buy it? last I checked, most of their recordings were out of print or only available as expensive Japanese’s imports. Here’s their discogs page: 
Can you have too much speaker presence?
I've only encountered the term "presence" in the context of guitar amps.  Don't know if this applies but here is a definition from the Fender website: ...the "presence" control...  controls “presence", which boosts upper-mid and treble frequenc... 
Leaving my amplifier on ok?
@bigtwin Maybe dumb question but do you mean "on" as in ready to operate or in "stand by" mode? I ask because I typically leave my H390 in stand by mode. If this not recommended, I’d like to know.        
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@thr1961  Ah. OK -- I'm strictly CDs.   
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim You could have warned me that the Penguins guide was over 1600 pages long! I haven’t read a book that big since collage! Hah! I’ll confess that never occurred to me! ;o) I hope "going back to school" will be fun for you! @mahgis... 
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
@thr1961  "Waltz for Debbie" is an old favorite of mine, as well. The Craft release is vinyl?  Not sure why but I've never developed a taste for Coltrane's playing with Miles. I much prefer the next Miles quintet, either with George Coleman or W...