

Responses from stringreen

What brands tend to have the worst resale value?
Turntable Advice?
Bi-Amp Calibration assistance/advise
If you followed directions, you're good to go. I would make sure the speakers are in their best position...move them around the room until it sounds best to you.  The subs should be almost inaudible.  You don't want a juke box. 
Audioquest WEL innerconnects are the older models the same as current model?
WEL cables didn't improved my system.....on the contrary....didn't know what version.  Very well made audio jewelry. 
Music lover or audiophile?
Sometimes I have to listen to a  recording twice....once for the music, and then for the sound 
SignalScope FFT Analyzer for Setting Azimuth
Great success with Fozgometer 
Pure Class A amps above 100 Watts?
Vandersteen amps are water cooled 
What system can adequately reproduce the sounds of a tanker being hit by torpedo ?
Its the Iatola Symphony #5 
Turntable cover
I too recommend it off.....use a Swiffer to keep it clean, but be very careful near the cartridge. 
Strange turntable/speaker issue
just for the halibut, get cones (I found brass to be best, but more expensive)...put three under your table...not on its feet, but on the base itself....point side down. 
Spectral amp/preamp
I have all my components  from the same manufacturer.  Too often, this and that doesn't work well together, even though they could work wonderfully in a different system. 
Use this song if you are doing an A/B with Preamps
..just saw the Elton John movie....disappointing  
Recordings by Elton John, Nirvana and Thousands More Lost in Fire
Times is good to line bird cages.....if news and intelligent commentary is what you want get the Wall St. Journal 
Cartridge installer North Jersey - NYC area wanted
Audio connection...New Jersey 
Class A Solid State Sound
When i was amp shopping, I listened to lots of the discussed amps and walked away with Ayre.  Class A to about 50 watts...no correction feedback at all, etc.