

Responses from stringreen

Stylus not tracking and sounds terrible
I tried my VPI on a Gingko platform....knew the manufacturers well...nice guys....but the platform ruined the sound of the VPI.  Let Soundsmith take a look at your cartridge. 
Listening sessions
I'm  retired too, but you have to get out.  Take violin or flute lessons, get to Yoga class, volunteer, etc. 
H/k citation 16
In its day it was the best out there.   I suspect it still is better than lots of them.  I always have had the best luck with the same brand ...they were designed around each other.  (I now have all Ayre) 
Any other lone audiophiles here?
Art....if you live in Arizona, you can stop by for a listen. 
Directional cables - what does that really mean?
What was told to me is that the metal (copper, silver) is drawn in one direction that is accounted for. 
SoundSmith Counter Intuitive for VPI tone arms
If you're setting up your tonearm/cartridge once, the c/i is not needed at all.  Sure it makes it a bit easier, but the adjustment can be done without it. 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
with all the horns I've heard,  there is wonderful sense of realism as far as dynamic shading is concerned....at the expense of soundstaging, etc. 
Rec Out to Headphone Amp
That’s exactly how mine is set up.... If you listen carefully, (at least with mine) the system sounds very slightly better with the headphone amp disconnected. 
Need a Record Brush. Got a recommendation?
I use a Hunt brush.....as good as any I suppose.  Takes the dog hair and dust off. 
Recommendations for a Phono Preamp
I saw an Ayre pre for sale (Audiogon?) 
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?
The time is coming when there will be no need for cables....everything will be BluToothe delivered 
What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?
I am using top Furatech plugs on my cables and was using Home Depot plastic 59c plastic covers on the outlets.  I filled the cavities with Blutack, for an improvement in sound..not night and day, but surely an improvement. 
Home Demo Faceoff: Nordost / Audioquest / Transparent
To me it seems as though there are too many variables to make any conclusion.....except what you like or not.   I've heard the same cable sound very different in different systems.  ..many times the lesser priced cable can win the title. That's wh... 
Why No McIntosh Recommendations?
Macs enjoyed a much better level of ranking in how good they are in the old days.  I had Citation equipment then..went to a roving Mac Lab testing facility.  They were there to test everyone's equipment and show their numbers to the Mac.  My HK Ci... 
advice for mono cartridge
I use my stereo cartridge to play mono records with no problems at all.  No increase in noise, distortion,tracking ability, etc.