

Responses from stringreen

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
I never had luck with passive preamps.. there was always something misssing. 
Best Speakers For Electronica Music
Often electronic music has a plethora of very loud and low music. A sub would be advantageous. Also, you will get better sound because (if set up properly), your main speaker will not be stressed. The amp in your sub would relieve your amp and spe... 
Tonearm: Well Tempered Lab LTD MK2
In my experience, I've too often experience hum/noise from Well Tempered tonearms 
What better to power my 82db Magico Q5
You should check in Ayre's offerings... 
Your favorite LP nobody has ever heard of
Peter Gunn ...Mancini Great jazz 
Table setup/help in SE WI
I also strongly suggest a Fozgometer and its accompanying recording. 
Classical music comps
Listen to Spotify classical and decide what you like. 
A little set up help,please
Matt.... This is so odd. Anytime I ask that question (loading for the Winfield) I get such a wide range of answers. You say, 100, Harry W from VPI says his is loaded at 500, there are reviews on the internet where some audiophile mag says 1000... ... 
A little set up help,please
Matt....just inquisitive....what do you use for a load on the Windfield. I just got one ...my preamp is a pain to switch resistors, and just wondering what your experience with the Per is Thanks 
Sub suggestions
Check out Outlaw Audio. Even though their subs are not much money, they do a good job. 
Hum question
OK Daniele...now what I would do is plug the phono into a high level input of the preamp which eliminates the phono circuit..testing it this way, make sure the volume is way down and slowly bring it up to see if the hum is present there. 
A little set up help,please
Have you checked the setup with a Fogometer?? I know it may be an anathema to suggest this, but perhaps the stylus wasn't put on square?? 
cartridge install issue
What arm are you using?? 
Increase price for Vandersteens
Call Richard....he loves to talk and will surely give you the real info. 
Hum question
Sorry Daneile, I will try to explain it further. In the US, our electrical outlets have two wide recesses and usually one pin-like recess which accomodates the male plug from your component. In more modern connections, one of the wide recesses is ...