

Responses from stringreen

VPI Prime 3D arm making noise
VPI 3D arms can warp, crack (it happened to me).  Your post doesn't sound like you are trying to rotate the rear weight....  If this is as you describe, contact Marc at VPIindustries. 
VPI antiskate nylon string and collar
As you rotate the a/s device on the junction box, it can provide the greatest a/s force to be set variably... As the cartridge moves across the record, skating force changes...some say the greatest force is at the end of the record (the loudest us... 
Anyone Using Crystals?
I tried some quartz crystals in various parts of my stereo....found they did nothing, until I put them in my electrical panel...then I heard a very real improvement. 
VPI antiskate nylon string and collar
no.  The collar is affixed as close as you can on fhe arm, and behind the spike (bearing).  The arm itself should be adjusted a precisely as you can.  Personally, I found that no antiskate at all is my preference, so took the ring/fishing line off... 
Isolation footers for amps
I use Stillpoints, but have collected (and still have) many different points, rollers, etc., etc., etc.   They all do something...sometimes you like what the ones being tried do, sometimes, you don't.  It may take a few months to realize a particu... 
Tenting home for termites
Here in Arizona, termites rule...but homeowners get the last laugh.  I've seen many homes get treated for the critters by the executioner drilling into and installing spikes around the home...no home here is tented, yet the job gets done. 
Speaker Cable Suggestions
Blue Jeans cables are made very well, but they are not audiophile grade...they will tell you so. 
Benz Refs stripped screw hole
Go to Home Depot with the current screw and get one 1 size larger....get help from someone to assist you. 
I have a blown driver and I'm not sure what to do
I heard something wrong in my left Vandersteen 5A...  I  ran the Ayre break in disc which has a slow glide tone from 20 - 20,000 hz, which revealed that the midrange was the culprit.  I took out 4 screws, cut the wires to the driver and sent it ba... 
Subwoofer for classical music listener
you really shouldn't hear your sub-woofer... What you will hear however if done properly is a cleaning up of the mids/highs, and less boom from room resonance.   Classical music is the most difficult to bring into your home.  It requires the best ... 
Parasound Halo Integrated vs Yamaha AS2100
I would get the Parasound, but its your money not mine. 
Mint lp best tractor for VPI Classic
The setup with a Mint is more accurate.  Do you have a 10.5 inch arm? 
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp
I know about the mystique of tube equipment, but if you get a well made great sounding solid state it will give you pleasure with no heartache.  I use Ayre....if you can find a used piece you made a great investment.  They never go bad. 
Audiophiles are not alone
On another point.....break in...   When we get a new something, it sometimes takes months for it to sound its best.  The same is true for a violin.   I have one that looks a lot like a Guarneri, though with lots of inspection from New York luthier... 
Isolation footers for amps
They all do something different....I use Stillpoints