
Responses from stevecham

Cartridge for punk, rock, emo, indie?
Someone has a bad case of the Fridays :-( 
What is a very nice sounding tube preamp?
I have a Manley Jumbo Shrimp that has excellent spatial and depth of stage characteristics. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
ELP - Brain Salad Surgery"Let the bridge computer speak!" 
Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden
Go see the movie Dirty Wars if you want some perspective on what the US is doing around the world.Is this what our founding fathers had in mind? 
Audioengine A5+
That's right, a joke puts a smile on your face. 
Oregon Audiophiles...
Steve in Eugene; I know Kurt from Echo 
intermitant phono tube cut out?
Before you replace the tube, try tapping it on the sides with a chopstick. Sometimes this will help a tube along if it has any residual particles accumulted that could cause intermittent shorts. 
Budget Turntable suggestions
Stringreen: Now that you've had your eye-roll and dismissal moment in the sun, care to be helpful here to this fellow Audiogon member who asked a pefectly legitimate question? Elitism and snarkiness are simply unproductive and frankly, who has the... 
sound at the record store
I do not buy things from people who tell me I "can buy something for $300 but it is worth $800." I tell them no thank you. 
Your Favorite Cover Songs?
Annie Lenox - Don't Let It Bring You Down 
Best software to convert FLAC to Apple lossless?
Tube Mono-Block Recommendation
Manley Neo Classics, either 250 or 500 watts per mono. 
DAC recommendation for an entry level system
For USB only I recommend the HRT Musicstreamer II+. I use this in my tubed system and it sounds wonderful. 
"Is that a record??? "
I read the sly cynicism above along with the humor and the earnestness; look, it is up to us to help educate and be resourceful when helping others understand what it is we enjoy and "get" when it comes to vinyl. Remember, for many, music is wallp... 
Best rock bass player
I have been listening to Geezer Butler on the latest Black Sabbath and have to say his tone and style are killer (in a good way!) I agree about Entwistle, Squire but also Greg Lake, John Myun, Mike Rutherford, Percy Jones, John Wetton, Paul McCart...