
Responses from stevecham

Amp with best bass control
Jafant: Mapleshade Double Helix speaker cables and Krell CAST cables connecting the KCT preamp to the 400cx. I tried Tara Labs, Harmonic Technology and Audioquest speaker cables in this system over the past 10 years. The Mapleshades sound best in ... 
Oh no , not another phono stage rec
I have been exploring the sonic views afforded by under $100 moving magnetic cartridges with a Technics SL-1200 MkII table this summer and I bought a pre-owned Bellari VP130 phono stage, rolled some tubes and settled on a Telefunken ribbed 12AX7 I... 
Most accurate speaker
I agree. 50% of the sound you hear from your system, regardless of the speakers, is the room. 
Anyone still use iPod for music storage anymore?
For long business flights it is still is my "go to" source. 
Has anyone tried a "leather" turntable mat?
Great question! Recently I've had the same one. 
Wyred 4 Sound - DAC2 DSD SE - Excellent upgrade
I'm considering the upgrade to my DAC2 and would appreciate hearing more about your impressions. 
Amp with best bass control
I wonder why my ears have never bled? Makes me kinda feel left out. 
Amp with best bass control
Krell 400cx makes my Thiel CS6s do as they are commanded. Absolutely no need for any subwoofer. 
Your choice for budget analog to digital converter
I have the Linestreamer and it is a fine ADC. The key to getting great results with it is to use the record out from your preamp so that it is fed a standard line level output. 
Upgrading from Thiel CS3.6 to Avalon
so there are two threads on this same, identical topic that have taken very different courses, what gives? 
Lyra Kleos and VPI Aries 3 - will this work
I have heard the Kleos on an Aries 3 and it sounded magnificent. I run a Helikon or a Delos on my Aries 2, having done so for years now, and, after trying Koetsu, van den Hull, Benz Micro and Shelters on this rig, would not even consider changing ... 
Upgrading from Thiel CS3.6 to Avalon
I don't believe it is an upgrade. You will lose the phase and time coherence and you will know it when it is missing. If you're at all like me, when I moved away from Thiel to Dynaudio for a couple of years, I moved back because I missed that pinp... 
Does it bother you?
Because I am a fan of time and phase coherent speakers, I once asked Jim Thiel if he knew of any recording studios that used his speakers as monitors and he told me he knew of one that was locally based but of no others. From my experience in a la... 
Does it bother you?
Trent: EXCELLENT thread, thanks for starting it! I have often wondered the same thing as I am an amateur hobbyist recording engineer in my home studio plus I spent time in a Montreal studio a few years ago learning recording, mixing, engineering, ... 
Rush Live in 2013 - Clockwork Angels
Trust me, with repeated listenings, CA will certainly grow on you; it took me time to begin to understand the question, "who is the watchmaker?" and the meaning relative to today's situation. The first in a long while of true thematic, single conc...