
Responses from stevecham

records I find on my turntable often
Steely Dan/Donald FagenBig StarGenesis (Classic Reissues)Thelonius Monk (Columbia Reissues) 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
With 19 fuses and either direction the choice, if my math still works correctly, I think that would be 2e19 combinations, which would be fun to perform and see what the optimal combination was by listening.  Could be a hobby for lifetime and then ... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
So, what’s the question or point here? I mean, you have a position on this issue and are convinced that it holds scientific or quantitative value. Therefore, the combination of correct fuse orientations across all 19 fuses in your NAD must have so... 
Cartridge Recommendation for Dual 1229
Wittsolutions is a dealer of excellent used MM vintage cartridges. I've purchased several US made Pickerings, Stantons and Shures from him and they all sound amazing.  Also, Ed Saunders has replacement styli for some of the classic cartridges made... 
thanks to Audiogon
I think the laser is burned out and that's why it is not reading the disc.  Like light bulbs they eventually do burn out.  I had to replace mine on a Meridian cdp once. 
Lyra Kleos Repair
Hi mdp,You broke it.  Why is it a rip off if the repair is $1000 less that price of a new one?  That makes NO SENSE to get upset wth Lyra.Again, you broke it!Get over it and be a big boy. 
Determining current flow to install "audiophile" fuses.
I’m going to develop and market an audiophile grade bi-directional fuse and nip this thing in the bud. With this product, IT WON’T MATTER AND THERE WILL BE NO UNCERTAINTY! :-) 
Power Cord Length
Not my intention to negatively reflect any thoughts or ideas here; let me say that cables DO make a difference and I have spent much time and money finding the ones that work best for me.Yes, happy listening! 
DAC recommendation in the $1k range
I have a Wyred 4 Sound DAC II SE that I use with a PS Audio PW Transport via the I2S interface and this is very, very close to the same result when I compared it directly with a friend's  PS Audio PW DAC2.  I couldn't tell the difference really. 
Power Cord Length
And after all that, and the talk and concern about those poor electrons flowing like water molecules through a pipe, in reality, there is no net displacement of electrons, just alternating fields of sufficient magnitude. 
what is an audiophile ?
au·di·oˈôdēˌōnounsound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced.-philecombining formdenoting fondness for a specified thing.Notice it's fondness for sound, not necessarily music. 
What happened to the "club atmosphere" of Audiogon?
Compared to other areas in life, society, politics (!) and commerce since I joined in Oct, 2003, while Audiogon has welcomed more into the tent inclusive of diversity, curiosity and alternative views, perhaps with some rubbernecking here and there... 
Oh brother, am I in desperate need of help! 8)
Have you considered Vandersteen? 2CE Sigs might do it for you. Phase and time coherent designs. I’m a Thief fan (own CS6 and CS2.4) but I miss those Vandys. 
Frank: I too am a huge fan of the Delos, I have two, one for back up.Just one simple question that I wasn't quite sure you answered previously: Did you try both cartridges on both tables/arms in the unlikely but possible chance that one table/arm ... 
Thiel Owners
Unsound: I have both CS6s and CS2.4s and run both pairs with tube amps; for the the 2.4s, a Manley Stingray II.  Sounds great, and, in my room, I am not power limited in the least.CheersSteve