
Responses from stevecham

Bass traps - too many choices!!
Auralex Lenrd bass traps are very effective and are based on acoustic principles.  I could not tune my room effectively without them.  They are also extensively used in recording studios. 
Do female audiophiles exist
Females may have better hearing, on average, so the question is, does better hearing necessarily translate to better listening ability? I would challenge that assumption because I see no evidence of a correlation let alone a causal relationship. 
If a gear is dirt cheap, do you think it is no good?
As long as the power supply is well designed (usually the most expensive part of any component where cost constraints make a typical impact) then there is no reason why it shouldn't provide satisfaction.  In my experience it is the PS that is usua... 
Austrailian rock and roll
Tame ImpalaMidnight OilThe Church 
old krell kma 400,s mono blocks
Well then, "Everyone" is wrong and you are not mad. If those Krell mono blocks sound great to you, then indeed they DO. I have a 1975 Marantz 2070 receiver and a pair of 1969 AR 2AX speakers that I recently restored and recapped and the combinatio... 
Obscure bands
Womb (c1967) 
Stylus cleaner
Magic Eraser; I’ve tried many others and this works best and is cost effective. Just a couple of up down and ups onto the surface with the cue lever (no hands on the tonearm needed!) and all is clean and ready to go. Sodium hydroxide is the ingred... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Meddle, what wonderful album, my first Floyd record I purchased unheard with little money at Music City in Kenmore Sq, Boston in 1972 at the age of fifteen.  Bought it for the cover alone, just had to take a chance.  So happy I did.This sunny morn... 
Cartridge loading question
All good advice above.  Sounds like 250 Ohm is ideal for your set up.  Enjoy. 
Full Manual Turntable-What to do
Turn off between discs, it was designed for this use. 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
jazz, i like the way you increased the number of independent variables with brands of fuses in various places in your nad, in addition to the large number of orientations possible.well done sir, well done!in fact i'm beginning to believe 
stylus choice for v-15 type iv
I bought an Ed Saunders for my V15 Type IV and it sounds amazing and tracks beautifully.  In a head to head comparison with the original Shure, this stylus measures extremely close.  Go to his website for information. 
Dual Purpose Dac?
Focusrite is what you want. 
System Reset
"But now that law of diminishing returns is really kicking in hard I’ll have to spend wisely. As the budget increases I will be purchasing Wilson Audio speakers to replace the Scansonics."I really enjoyed reading about your audio journey, but this... 
Rush 180g re-issue and sonics
I have the Fly By Night and Hemispheres reissues and think they sound fantastic, very warm and huge.