
Responses from stevecham

A little help please
I paid $300 for a used Dragon and sent it to Willy in Moraga, CA. He completely cleaned, repaired and calibrated the deck, bringing it back to factory specs for less than $600. This deck is as good as vinyl on some tapes. 
Old VPI Scout: Cartridge Help
What is your phono stage? 
Best Cartridge for technics sl1200mk2
All of these cartridges I have and they sound great on the SL 1200 MKII:AT 440mlAT 95eShure V15IVStanton 500eStanton 880sPickering XSV 3000Pickering XV15Grado Sonata ReferenceGrado mono ellipticalOrtofon 2M Black 
Most enduring audio purchase
Thiel CS6 speakers. For the past ten years, these have been with me and I have absolutely no inclination to make a change or upgrade. 
Best beer
We now have 15 microbreweries in Eugene and I am quite happy with the selection of fresh brews. Ninkasi leads the bunch but they are the largest, so far... 
A fond farewell to The Allman Brothers Band
And now no more Jack Bruce. What a week. 
How to tell vacuum tube is gone bad?
posting three times is even better 
PS Audio PWD II opinions?
To get the most performance out of any of PS Audio's DACs, you need to get a Perfect Wave Transport and connect them via I2S. Otherwise there would be other DAC's to consider, like one by Wyred 4 Sound. 
Recommend a cartridge for my new TT
Go for an AT440mla, superb cartridge at a price around $185 on Amazon. I have an almost new one, along with vintage Shure, Pickering and Stantons that I have replaced styli on, as well as a new Grado Sonata Reference and Ortofon Black, and this AT... 
Who here loves his/her Rogue Audio Integrated amp?
I had an original Cronus and a CJ CAV50 at the same time for awhile, and the CJ was so much warmer and powerful, given that they are both EL34 based amps. The Cronus was less tubey sounding than the CJ, but the CJ was just right with the power of ... 
Looking to replace my old Meridian 508.24
I bought a 508.24 new in Montreal in 1997 and had it until 2006. After going through a number of CD players, I finally settled up a PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport into a Wyred 4 Sound SE (upgraded by W4S) DAC2. Connected via I2S interface, this i... 
Phono preamp or cartridge - which to upgrae first
I agree with Bpoletti on this one, your Dyna is a good cartridge and in my experience, upgrading the phono stage to better amplify the dynamic swings this cart is capable of would be my first venture. The Herron or Manley stages would be excellent... 
"New" Beatles Mono Catalog Release on 180gr Vinyl
Mono has no deficiencies. It's just a different sonic envelope, but one that is very coherent, and due to spacial events in the frequency domain, utilizes the room acoustic to provide spacial cues. I find it to be every bit as engaging as stereo, ... 
Stylus cleaner
Magic Eraser - 1 dip via cue down and cue up, only vertically, is all it takes 
Why blind listening tests are flawed
We are highly sensitive and quite variable beings of auditory input; our surivival in the wilds depended on it, and especially our sense of hearing, providing information of direction and distance where sight alone often failed. I know not to alwa...