
Responses from stevecham

The CD you most listened to back in 2007 ?
Neil's Chrome Dreams 2. But then I am almost finished ready Shakey, his to date biograpy, and am going through a Neil Young phase. 
Phono Amp Recommendations
EAR 834P 
How did you get into vinyl?
That's an easy question. It was 1963, my 6th birthday and I got a little box style record player with 4 inch speaker, on/off volume knob, along with a 45 copy of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. Been playing and listening to vinyl e... 
Best Cartridges for the Money You've Experienced
Having owned van den Hul, Benz, Koetsu, Shelter and Grado, I have concluded that Lyra makes the best-for-the-money catridges. I now own both a Helikon and an Argo i and they track like not others with those line contact styli. 
Time between playing the same LP
If anything I would think that the record industry of the time would have wanted us to play them as often as possible simply because, it this wear issue were true, then we would be replacing them that much sooner, and the money would roll along to... 
Your First Concert was.....
Dave Mason at the Aquarius Theatre (later the Orpheum) in the Fall of 1971 in Boston. That was shortly followed by Tull at the Garden and Ten Years After at the Music Hall. What a long, strange trip it has been since then. 
The most important link in the chain...
It is a system, with interactivity throughout. Such systems need to be implemented with the goal of optimizing the entire sonic picture. I agree with the above and in particular Jax2's statement that balance and synergy should be the guiding princ... 
Heard my friend's system, thinking of leaving hifi
Please add Vandersteen and Thiel to your choices; time and phase accurate. 
e.a.r. 834p tube rolling
In what position did you put the tube? Each position has a different function in the 834P 
Best LP cleaner fluid for fingerprints
Todd The Vinyl Junkie has an "enzyme based" fluid that he claims takes care of this and has pictures to "prove it." I am tempted to try it. 
Affordable Power Cords
Replaced all my non-captives with PS Audio Power Punch ($49.95 from Music Direct or others)and they made a nice difference. Bass is much better, stronger clearer, highs seem more lilting and extended. Improved 3 dimensionality. 
How Much Is TOO MUCH for a Analog front End?
I had a HW19/SME 4/Benz Glider and when I went to an Aries2/JMW 10.5/Koetsu Urushi this was a tremendous improvement, so it fits the price range improvement model Audiofeil mentioned earlier. 
Recommend Me Some Speakers
Vandersteen 1c 
An Other Phono Pre-Amp Question
Maybe. My experience was that when I replaced a Krell KPE reference phono pre with the 834P on an Aries/Koetsu rig I did say WOW, what an improvement. And I said it again when I replaced all the tubes in it with NOS Telefunken 12AX7s. 
better in what way?