

Responses from stanwal

Planning to buy SF Ellipsa...any input?
Judging from the performance of Mac 402s with matching pre amp on my friends Sasha I think there are better choices. My MF NuVista integrated bested the Macs by a good margin. I would look at CJ, AR, Pass, Audia in that price range. 
Dual volume control - it should be standard
Tune it for each individual cut? OCD much? I have had individual volume controls and they are a real pain. I removed the balance control from one of my preamps recently as I could not remember using having used that feature in 30 years or so. Anot... 
How to pick a tubed integrated without hearing one
Just read the brochures; that is the method most use anyway. I cannot tell you how many times as a dealer I have lost sales to things the buyer never heard. It is sort of "Prophet in his own Country" effect. I once when I was in Knoxville had a pr... 
What is the best DAC under $500?
Musical Fidelity V-DACPS: Is there REALLY a dac called the Shiit Bitfrost? Holy S**T! 
Vintage or new turntable
A used modern table would give you the most for the money but a carefully chosen older table can be good also. A Micro Seki BL-91 or 51 would also be a good choice. A Linn LP 12 is both vintage and modern and offers many upgrade paths. There is re... 
Tweeter replacement
Even it you could it is unlikely you would get the sound you want; the crossover is set up for the other tweeter. 
Which Cables Are of Most Importance?
"In the big picture, the umbilical cable is the maost important to a mammal."Only in Red China! LOL! 
Equipment you just must get if you can
A friend just got a used Ref 5 so I will get to hear it without actually having to buy it. 
Which DAC for my HP mini?
Musical Fidelity V-DAC. 
Anyone own or heard Edge i3?
Musical Fidelity kW series is very good, never even seen an Edge. 
Equipment you just must get if you can
The truth is that very often I don't know what I am looking for until I find it. I often think about what level of performance I want rather than a specific component. Somewhat over a year ago when I was looking for a pair of newer speakers I was ... 
Equipment you just must get if you can
I won't tell because if I do sombody might beat me to it. Wait, I will on second thought; I have always wanted a pair of Bose 901s. {Heh Heh; that should throw them off the scent]. 
which speakers for low watt power amp?
102db would be TOO sensitive in my opinion; you would never use more than a few watts. 75 good watts will drive just about anything; perhaps not to maximum loudness in every case but to quite reasonable sound levels. Larryi has it about right. 
Am I going to blow my Apogees with all this power?
First; VU meters do not show peaks; they come and go before the meters can respond. Old time recording engineers were adept at estimating what was really going on from their use but for most of us they are useless. Second; too much power is seldom... 
Audio Technica AT-33PTG vs Denon 103R cartridge
I use the AT 33EV [I have never been able to find out how it is different from the PTG] which is often found on J&R for $400. Two of my friends have bought them after hearing mine. I have used the regular 103 but not the R. I suspect the AT mi...