

Responses from stanwal

Ceiling & Front Wall Treatments
Have you checked with the manufacture of the panels? I got mine from Ready Acoustics and they were very helpful; had me put some in positions I would never have tried but which worked very well. If they have suggestions they would be more valuable... 
Anyone replaced Fuse with Circuit Breaker?
Try magnets; that is what a friend of mine does. I suspect his favorite song is "There will be a hot time in the old town tonight!" 
Hissing sound coming from tweeters
Try turning off everything but the amps and see if you still have it; if you do it is the amps. If not turn on the other components in order and see when you get it. 
Musical Fidelity A1 experiences
I use to sell them; I also thought that they had a "warm" sound which was quite good. I used them with Spendor and Musical Fidelity speakers. They should not sound thin or lack bass. Either it is not working properly or the ICs or speaker wires ar... 
How much would I benefit from an amp upgrade?
Get the current Krell 300 series integrated; they list at $2500 and appear on here regularly for around $1700. Will sound MUCH better than the kind of amps you mention; not all watts are created equal. The 203 deserve a better quality amp; but don... 
New REL T7 / T9 vs. older REL Storm III?
The T series are designed for home theater and the S series for music. I believe the T uses Class D amps; the S series uses A/B amps. Newer and cheaper seldom equals better in my experience; I almost always buy used and try to select gear that was... 
Using protective discs under brass footers
I have a friend who uses Audio Points and a Mapleshade Samson rack; his gear sounded better with the saucers but if I remember correctly we used them point upward with the saucer under the component rather than downward into the shelf. You can try... 
Using protective discs under brass footers
I have been a Star Sound dealer and their brass cones do sound somewhat better using the matching brass saucers. Not night and day but noticable. 
Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"
I have always used a mix but have has a chance to buy 8 identical cables of a good brand; I will report my impressions but will not be able to make a comparison. I have sold or am selling most of the ones I had to be able to afford the new ones. 
Rel R-505 work with a Pass Labs X350.5
You should contact Pass directly on this. 
Shunyata or Transparent Power cables
I just bought 2 new Transparent power cords so will soon have a better idea of their current generation compared to Shunyata and PS. 
How many dealers are in "your "City ?
Louisville, Ky. There is myself and a couple of video stores beside Best Buy etc. Another guy is suppose to be around but no one I know has seen him for a couple of years. Almost all the action is on Audiogon or even ebay. I don't sell new gear on... 
Yes,another DAC question
I would look closely at the Rega Isis player; well into the very top class and some have been floating around for a semi-reasonable price i.e. $5k or so. Should easily equal anything under $10k. Do I have one? No; I have the Rega dac, which is qui... 
Tonearm board makers?
Any local shop should be able to do wood or acrylic; a machine shop should be able to do metal. 
PS Audio: Power Plant Premier. How much ....
Never say never; my CJ 350 sounds better through my PPP than direct. I have made the comparison several times.