

Responses from stanwal

Recall of Krell Amplifiers
LOL, Shadorne. I was a Krell dealer long ago and my KMA 100 went up spactularly for the second time just as a rep for another company walked through the door to hear them. You had to ship BOTH amps back when this happened. Their "customer relation... 
REL Strata III Setup - Help
Sumiko has set up made simple and set up made simpler on their web site. They recommend the soundtrack from "Sneakers" to use to set up. I got it on Amazon and it is useful but any recording with repetitive bass will work. 
Which cartridge best for RB300
A replacement would cost far more than a retip and since you like what you have a fishing expedition is more likely to be expensive than fruitful. Get it retiped, if it needs it it will sound better and you can make a more informed decision then. 
B&W Matrix 805 Problem
If the speaker was defective it is hard to see how it could repair itself so of the two the crossover would seem more likely. Are you using their equalizing network? Mine is currently not working properly. I assume that you have switched the speak... 
Benefits of a record ring
I use both the VPI and TTweights ones. [not at the same time]. The TTW is actually easier to use for me as the VPI often appears to be correctly placed but isn't. I also have both the top VPI weight and the 3 pound one from TTW. [my ring is the li... 
Why a low output M.C. rather than a high output?
More turns means that it is harder to manufacture and more prone to breakage. MOST of the top cartridges are low output. I would have agreed with Metralla until I got a step up from Bob's Devices. My phono stage has plenty of gain but the step up ... 
HDMI confusion: Monoprice vs. Blue Jeans
I found monoprice to be much better than stock cable. I bough the Wireworld Silver [used] it is visably better as is the Van den Hul I got for my wife's TV. But not in the proportion of cost to performance. Anybody who is still using stock needs t... 
KEF 103.2 - what to expect?
I would think that they are probably for Banana plugs. Go to the local Radio Shack and check. You can fasten them to the ends of your speaker wire, get the non solder ones, 
CDP for Focal 807V with Exposure 2010S preamp
Sorry , didn't see that your current one was nonfunctional. I would still get the Musical Fidelity and pair it with a good budget CD player such as a NAD [or others]. You will be very surprised at the improvement. 
CDP for Focal 807V with Exposure 2010S preamp
I believe you mean integrated amp rather than preamp. I would buy the new Musical Fidelity decoder for $299 and use your current one as a transport. It preformed better than several units costing above $2000 in a recent test and should be availabl... 
KEF 103.2 - what to expect?
Yes but it is not common and it is usually headbangers who do it. What makes you think the 103.2 are demanding? Usually you run into problems with low impedance speakers. It all depends on using discretion, if you have a very large room and play l... 
KEF 103.2 - what to expect?
No, 8 ohms are the norm, it is 4 ohms and below that are hard to drive. The tweeter it probably all right. You can remove such things in several ways, using a vacuum cleaner VERY carefully, a bent pin, and gently pushing it with a finger. The curr... 
Krell KSA 250 - Advice
I have a friend who is a technician and he showed me a large Krell [forget number] that someone had given him because the expense of putting new caps in was more than he had thought it was worth. I am a former Krell dealer from their early days an... 
DIY Nearfield Monitors
I would check Madisound or its English counterpart Wilemslow Audio [sp?] as they have been offering first rate DIY speakers for decades. There are also DIY audio forums. The two companies will provide acurate info on what you are looking for. 
Does Pass Aleph 3 heat up the room like tube amp?
Remember: 1. Real class A draws full current at all times. 2. They will be at best 25% efficient 3. Therefore at idle they will be putting out 4x their rated output in heat, So if your amp is rated at 25 watts per channel then it will be putting o...