

Responses from stanwal

Meridian 808.2 CD Player......
I have not but HIFICRITIC has done extensive reviews on it. They are not on line as it takes no ads and depends on mag sales but with an investment of this magnitude I would order the relevant back issue or issues. I can't give more info as my cop... 
Speakers that sound like Grado headphones?
That is easy, none. Headphone listening gives a completely different balance and presentation than speakers, for example the room has no effect at all while with speakers it is the dominant factor. The two channels are totally separate unless you ... 
Krell S300i advice needed?
I agree with both the above. I was once a Krell dealer and bass is their strong point. I am using 2 REL Stadium subs with a pair of Spendor S 100s which go down below 30 Hz and the subs improve the sound even though they are not "needed". 
Drill holes in rack shelf to keep amp cool?
Since heat rises and the bottom of the amp is probably closed I don't think it would help much. I would investigate good quality cooling fans: otherwise I would put it on the top shelf. I know that this is inconvenient to a degree as you have more... 
Upgrading phono stage for Denon DL103?
Look at the 10 Audio review of the Bob's Devices SUT. I had actually bought one before I saw the review but I have found what he says in line with what I hear with mine. My Blue Circle didn't need a SUT and sounded good already but the SUT improve... 
stereo amp vs monoblocks, any advantages?
When you are buying a "Dual Mono" amp on a single chassis check on what they mean, the term is used very loosely, not consistent even with the same company. Some of the Musical Fidelity amps , for example, have two separate transformers, one for e... 
stereo amp vs monoblocks, any advantages?
You gain absolute separation between the channels of the amp and much greater flexibility in amp placement. You don't have to worry about such things as weather to biamp horizontally or vertically. You don't necessarily gain extra power, theoretic... 
What happens if I plugged a 20amp unit..15amp outl
If you mean one that takes a 20 amp power cord into a 15 amp cord I do that with my NuVista M3 amp, which produces 300 watts a channel. I used a Voodoo adapter so I could use my PS Audio Statement power cord and the results are much better than th... 
Help in upgrading monitors.
I have the Mini Utopias, Spendor Sp-1 and S 100s. I would look for a pair of the Minis, mine have the titanium rather than the beryllium tweeter but am not sure that I don't prefer it. 
What dac would upgrade my Music Hall CDP?
I bought a V DAC and it is as good as the tests would indicate. HIFICRITIC said that they had never seen a product this cheap that could compete with the best available as it does. They used it with digital ICs that cost twice what it did. The sys... 
DAC Magic or MF V-DAC?
I am using it as a decoder in a conventional 2 channel with Meridian transport. I spent 4 hours ABing it with my Audio Synthesis DAX tonight. By pure chance I eventually discovered that transferring the Oyade GPX power cord to the Meridian transpo... 
Ia a good amp more important than a good DAC?
Its a chicken and egg question, one is not much good without the other. Good does not necessarily equate one to one with expense. It depends to a large degree on your system, if you have inefficient speakers with a difficult impedance curve the th... 
What dac would upgrade my Music Hall CDP?
The V -DAC is one of the better ones on the market period. Get one and try it, all you can lose is return freight if you get it from Audio Advisor as they have trial period. 
DAC Magic or MF V-DAC?
The V-DAC did considerably better in a test in HIFICRITIC. Also beat out the Benchmark. I bought one on the basis of it, not broken yet as I just got it yesterday. 
ATC SCM 40 vs. ATC SCM 50
The ATC 50 and 100 are available as kits from Wilmslow audio in England. They use to offer the active versions as kits also but they are no longer in the catalog. I have been thinking about getting some built myself. You can buy the whole package ...