

Responses from stanwal

McIntosh Vintage Preamps
Great sounding early Mac SS pre amps? Have you already exhausted all the easy searches like finding the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot? The tube units may be collectable but from my long ago experience with a C8 that does not mean they sounded good... 
CANADIANS - Can we use the PS AUDIO Power Port AC
The ones I have used [FIM] are better made than hospital grade ones I was using and far better made than standard ones. Most houses use the bare minimum, my existing wiring, in a 14 year old house, is not nearly as good as the two dedicated lines ... 
Experience of Mundorf S/O or S/G/O in Merlins VSM
Here is a site that gives a mine of info on caps and other things.http://www.humblehomemadehifi.com/ 
How many are using Amp to CD with variable...
I am using passive preamp in my system, works very well. There was just a thread on this in the last few days "Why do preamps improve sound of CDP?" It is a matter of taste and system. 
Stealth power cables with 20amp IEC
I have an amp that takes a 20amp plug but most of my cables are 15amp so I bought an adapter from Voodoo, works fine. 
Set up for Project Tube Box SE II
The Denon 110 is not a MM cartridge but a high output MC; I have one myself. This is probably no capacitance was given. Use the MC input if there is one, otherwise trial and error or check on the specialist forums like Vinyl Engine 
HELP; Acceptable Living Room Sound Treatment
My wife really likes these, they are reasonable and they will sell the material or frames if you want to do some of the work yourself. Helped the sound of my system more than anything else I ever did.http://www.readyacoustics.com/index.php?main_pa... 
Speaker Bi Wire recommendations for B&W 802N's
Buy one better set used and use jumpers. I got a 2.5M set of used Golden Reference cables for less than your max, including a new set of Cardas jumpers. I use to be a firm believer in bi wiring but now have my doubts. Even if it is better you can ... 
New speaker help. Proac-Spendor-Harbeth-Devore-PMC
I would go with the Spendor SP-1s or SP-1/2Es. I have both and haven't heard a speaker that size I would rather have. I use to be a Spendor dealer but of the 6 pairs I now have I bought 3 used. See REGONAUDIO review. I also have a pair of Mini Uto... 
TV power cords; Money well spent, or money wasted?
If it is a removable PC I can't think either how it could possibly do any damage or how they would know you had used it if it did. This would seem to be in the same area as using upgraded ICs or HDMIs. If you have one sitting around try it and see... 
Best way to couple monitor speakers to stands?
I disagree with Wendell in that while it is a very effective coupler it changes the sound of the speakers I use, which are both ported and closed box. If your top end is a little bright it will bring it down considerably. But many, including Marti... 
Affordable Mono Cartridge For VPI Scout
I have never had a mono cartridge, started with a mono system but a stereo cartridge so do not claim to be an expert, was led to that site by thread on another forum, all opinions expressed by them are theirs and not mine. Correct info appears to ... 
Why do preamps improve sound of CDP?
Looking at my post I should have emphasized how much this is a matter of taste and associated equipment. Before I purchased a Transparent Reference digital cable I was using a Musical Fidelity NuVista to drive my Spendor S 100s. The passive system... 
Why do preamps improve sound of CDP?
I agree with Shadorne in principal that a pre-amp SHOULD be better than a passive, as Chris Bryan put it in the July-Sept issue of HIFICRITIC 'The very best pre-amps are definitely superior to the even the best passives, volume potentiometers or s... 
Affordable Mono Cartridge For VPI Scout
The following is from the Audiotools.com site.Pickups and stylii for the playback of Mono LP recordsModern stereo records have use a groove that is about 18µm, earlier mono microgroove records however had a groove width of around 25µm (usually sli...