
Responses from spiritofmusic

Hydra 8 after Equitech 2q
Ymmv, obv. Sabai, can you give details on your chain. 
Help on Power conditioner
Rabbani, I had the same issues as you. Where I live in E london is semi industrial with motors and transformers in nearby plant, cellphone aerials and internet booster stations, and broadband on c24/7 in every apartment around me.When I ran my Bur... 
Hydra 8 after Equitech 2q
Ptss, not possible to put the conditioner before the balanced transformer since the latter is hard wired into my mains. Don't think it would make any difference anyhow. 
Hydra 8 after Equitech 2q
Personally, i WOULDN'T recommend putting a conditioner btwn a balanced power transformer and your system.I used to run a Burmester 948 conditioner, and scrapped it after I realised dynamics were getting squashed. It had an led readout which showed... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Agear, not a definitive explanation but here goes. It may be possible that grounding occurs in two planes, the component via it's earth apparatus, and the signal itself. Hope this isn't BS. My area is so blighted by hash via light industrial motor... 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
Agear, I don't believe it's any coincidence that I'm having such good improvements in SQ investigating first balanced power, and now grounding. I live in a semi industrial area with light industrial (transformers/motors), internet booster/mobile p... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Agear, the Entreq UK rep will be visiting me in a few days, I'll put some of these qs to him. 
Would Like To Hear From Strain Gauge Owners
Slowhand, I've been running a Soundsmith Straingauge, Mk 2 version, with entry level SG-200 energiser.What can I say? It's an amazing cart, easily besting all my prev incumbents (Roksan Shiraz, Lyra Skala and Parnassus, Transfiguration Temper and ... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
I'm getting great results eliminating the stock spikes of my Zu Audio Definitions Mk 4 spkrs, and placing them on a combination of Symposium Acoustics "half" Rollerblock RMK Jrs with HDSE ball bearings, on Symposium Svelte Shelves.Doing a great jo... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Agear, we all have our standards, and what we're happy to expect from people, in personal affairs, and in business.I can't begin to tell you what one eminent head of an audiophile amp company told me when I believed something was wrong with the pi... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Boys, I'm getting great success with my "half" height Symposium Acoustics Rollerblock Jnrs with HDSE ball bearings on Svelte Shelves.I've achieved a really useful opening up in the soundstage, and less bass bloat, for an outlay less than Sistrum a... 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
J, I think you're comparing apples with oranges here. The Shunyata stuff is more down the line of conditioning/filtering ie the system is fed from the Shunyata boxes, whereas the Entreq grounding works in parallel with the system, ie it's not in t... 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
I've been using Entreq for a couple of months now, put me down as a total convert. I'm not a tecchie, so my explanation may be off. Don't shoot me.From what I gather, components are producing copious amounts of RF/EMI. The earth of each component ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Jordan, how high do your Def4s sit off the floor on the Sistrum platform? 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Jordan, I'm running the Definition 4s, not the new Druids. Some experimentation is needed, but I did feel there was a compromise in bass performance lifting the 4s too far off the Svelte Shelf using complete Rollerblocks. Reverting to half equates...