
Responses from spiritofmusic

Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
G'guy, the chain of command from base level up is, I believe: Minimus, Silver Minimus, Tellus, Silver Tellus and Silver Tellus w/add on Atlantis box.Minimus supports 1 component only, so if one was to restrict to a single grounding lead to eg prea... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Goldeneraguy, I omitted to answer your earlier q. Entreq is applicable in the same way to all-analog or all-digital systems, or those with both sources.Start off with running an Entreq ground lead from an unused input or output on your preamp to t... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
If carriage is covered, then boys, I say 'go for it!'. Entreq has totally transformed my system, but in the most subtle yet demonstrative way possible (if that's not too much of a paradox).It's not at all similar to eg putting in a new component, ... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
At the moment, Entreq don't have representation in the US.Just spoken to the UK rep and he'll be happy to advise you/provide units if practical. His name is Fraser Robertson of Kog Audio and can be emailed on: scotty-42@hotmail.com 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Goldeneraguy, I'll speak to the UK rep and find out for you. I'm quite the convert, sat with my arms tightly folded in skeptic mode to begin with, only one ground lead from preamp in place, to be replaced 10 minutes later to use those very arms to... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Msom, I gather you don't live in the US? Maybe the UK like me? What's the rest of your system?I really feel fortunate to have discovered the Entreq grounding/balanced power direction. It's totally opened up my system and allows it to perform to a ... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Msom, that sounds like a thorough and forensic way to come to your final conclusions - trial and error with a purpose!Interesting that you've taken to attaching some Entreq grounding leads to equipment chassis'. This seems to be the favoured way o... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi Msom, may I ask why you've gone for separate Minimus for each component? I'm running a single Silver Tellus, to which 5 components are grounded via Apollo leads. The UK rep rates this better than separate boxes.Aiming for upgraded Atlantis cabl... 
Entreq Silver Tellus grounding/earthing system
Hi Msom, I've been fine, thanx for asking. Good luck with your moving/changes, always a scary concept, disturbing a well set up system.Getting great results with my Silver Tellus and five Apollo grounding cables on the end of a newly-installed Wes... 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
Sorry Agear, this is really not fair. Don't cast aspersions. If you and Miguel want to refute the Entreq claims, do so. I've asked you to do so, twice now with this request. And you still don't. Until you put a counter theory fwd, I'll stick with ... 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
Charles, I wasn't actually asking you to explain how Troy grounds at signal plane since it's only attached to the chassis screws, you're too busy getting swept away by it. No, The q was aimed at Agear and Miguel. No sweat. 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
Thank you, Charles. No issue with me, just feel compelled to extol the virtues of Entreq and have no reason to dispute the claims of the UK rep. Any grey areas are purely non intentional. As I've said, living in the UK, I'm never going to observe ... 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
Agear, can you specify? By misinformation do you mean: Incorrect information, or information meant to deceive? 
Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?
Just a few words from the UK distributor of Entreq Silver Tellus. It connects directly to the rca/xlr/phono audio signal's ground plane, and has no relation to the mains, unlike Tripoint Troy which works in this latter domain.However there is an o... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Gentlemen, what is the performance of the 4s in close proximity to front/side walls?I'm asking since I'm considering moving my pair to accommodate a 12' wide cinema screen. Currently I have them 5' from front wall and 3' from side walls. My new po...