
Responses from spiritofmusic

My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Just a few thoughts, gentlemen. Watts, I'm not qualified to answer your qs, so will leave to others. Peter is not open to batt psu, or tube psu options for his SG. This is a shame, since my batt psu is pushing the cart to new heights of greatness ... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Lewm, I see you're a convert to rim drive/direct drive. I myself have moved to direct rim drive w/an equally leading edge air bearing linear tracker. The fast, transparent, essentially neutral SG cart has an amazing synergy, and I've been happy to... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Hi Cfluxa. I would really urge you to push for a home demo. Spkrs and cart are the two components that I believe set the character of an analog fronted system the most, and you need to be 110% sure you like that character.Your 3 points - 99.9% of ... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Yes prof, the SG is a final destination component esp. now w/batt psu. Just so open, textured and tone rich, I feel no need to investigate alternatives.And with the saving on redundant phono stage, and inexpensive cost of replacement stylus, a tru... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Cfluxa, yes I was aware of his comments plus others both praising the speed and dynamics of the cart but bemoaning it's lack of texture etc. And other comments that voices sounded unnatural. And Jack Roberts 100% positive review on Dagogo (really ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Yes Charles, with system wide impvts I'm tempted less than ever to make component changes, it just happens that my Audion dealer feels TVC passive brings something to the table, and I'm intrigued by the minimalist straight line approach. I mean, s... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Guys, does anyone have any experience of running a TVC passive pre, either with the Zu's, or generally? My Audion SET amps dealer is a massive fan of them, but prevailing opinions esp Phil 213Cobra, maintains it's a misfire.I'm loving my Hovland H... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Of course, Peter. Of the 3 dealers in the UK who stocked the cart, only 1 was prepared to travel (500 mile round journey), and provided a fantastic service leading to my purchase. If he hadn't extended his courtesy to me, I wouldn't have started t... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
As you know Peter, I've reached the end of my analog journey with the Trans Fi Salvation and Terminator tt and arm. No plans to return to belt drive/pivoted arm rigs. And now the RWA BL batt psu powered Straingauge SG200 cart has completed my fina... 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Peter, sure. What I mean is that the opening up of the top end of the Straingauge via the RWA BL batt psu is resulting in an amazing "lightness" to music that I think can only now be achieved with crystalline extension of the treble.If this was at... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Charles et al, I'm going to be trialling a TVC passive pre (Music First) the week after next. This approach seems to really polarise opinions, 213Cobra not getting on with passive tvc into Audion Black Shadows/Zu Def4s, yet my Audion dealer loving... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
That's fine Charles. Looking around the web, there's good buzz on the KR 845's (c$1300-$1500). Assume Keithr rates the BS's with these rather than the stock Shuygang 845's.My UK dealer is due to get a set in, curious to try 'em. 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Sure Charles. My q to you and Keithr is: what is the alternative to the 845 for the Black Shadow? I wasn't aware there was one. 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Keithr, I'm a little confused re your comments about the Audion Black Shadows and the 845 tube being too warm. This may well be the case, but what is the alternative to it? I mean, isn't the BS based on using the 845? 
My new Soundsmith Straingauge cartridge
Prof, I don't know what to say. Much as I love the "standard" SG200 with the twin 24v wall warts psus, they're really holding back the performance of the Straingauge if the Red Wine Audio Black Lightning (RWA BL) twin battery pack psu is anything ...